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Highbury Hospital

Highbury Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 9DR

Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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  1. Review titled An excellent practitioner.

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Sebastian - Posted on 11 April 2024

    An excellent practitioner I am under the care of a female psychiatrist who took me under her wing after rather poor service from the Trust previous psychiatrist. She has done more in few months that previous the previous practitioner did in two years. She not only organised further care for me but also provided necessary support in obtaining social security benefits.

    Visited Mental Health - Adults of all ages on March 2024

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    Highbury Hospital has not yet replied.

  2. Review titled The O.T encouraged me to be independent

    by araqh49 - Posted on 13 December 2023

    The help I received to attain my bnl pill renewal from county council was excellent and at the highest support level in all areas with down to form filling and going to my home to gain the right forms to verified my identity. The O.T encouraged me to be independent with form filling and giving access online with the right forms in all the areas of like and understanding 

    Visited December 2023

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    Review titled Highbury Hospital

    Replied on 14 December 2023

    Thank you for your positive comments. We really appreciate that you took the time to provide some feedback on our service. It is great to hear that you felt supported to increase your independence. I hope that you were able to complete what was needed and we wish you the very best for your ongoing recovery.

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  3. Review titled My experience when having a crisis

    by trsy - Posted on 07 December 2023

    I have severe paranoid schizophrenia with insomnia and depression episodes and am prescribed a number of medications including an antipsychotic injection, sleeping pills, anxiety medication and antidepressants. This is what happened to me when I was feeling really bad over a few weeks recently. On one episode, I had been suffering from severe pain in one side of my brain that was affected in strength based upon what I was thinking about. I could feel my thoughts as physical pain in my brain on the left side only and couldn’t sleep or do day-to-day activities. I was in constant severe pain day and night for over 9 days. I was feeling emotionally low and withdrew from my family and friends due to this. I was also hearing constant background sound broadcasts into my mind. I was highly stressed due to this, had a very fragile mental state and lost my appetite. I lost 5 kg in body weight in 1 week. I have a young child to look after, and this really affected the level of love, protection and care I could provide to them. I made three calls to the crisis team telephone line and left three messages on the voicemail on different occasions but never got a call back. Eventually I went to my GP and they assessed me carefully, also consulting with second GP at the practice for nearly 1 hour. They both decided that this was due to a mental illness and not physically related and made an emergency call to Highbury Hospital City Central LMHT. Both doctors agreed that I needed to be assessed by a specialist that very same day. The GP made the relevant calls there and then, and then provided me with feedback from the duty team. They told me that they advised they would call me by the next morning latest and refer my case to a doctor and the relevant crisis team for assessment. They said they would also review my medication urgently. I never heard from them, it’s been 9 days after the GP made the call. Not one attempt to contact me or my family or update me about what they will be doing to help me. I am assigned a dedicated CPN that is my point of contact, they used to see me every two weeks to supply medication and check up on me. They went off sick nearly a year ago and haven’t been back since. The city central LMHT didn’t assign me with another temporary CPN even though it’s in my agreed care plan. They forgot about me and I got lost in the system. I was recently moved to monthly depot injections for antipsychotics as I am non compliant with medication when I get ill. Every month on the due date of my injection they fail to come and administer it. I have to call in and remind them every month and then they can take up to a week to arrange it. They just forget about my care. Last month I received my injection 9 days late. The consultant is excellent who is based at the QMC psychiatric outpatients clinic and always very supportive. The only thing I don’t agree with the consultant is that they force me to take all medication under threat of section. I have no choice but to take the medication voluntarily otherwise I will be forced in detention. They say I get ill very severely and very quickly when off medication. I know that mental health services are stretched but there should be a certain service level agreement between clients and providers, especially considering my situation. I feel like my relationship with healthcare providers have broken down and I am now less likely to engage with services and report to them about my mental state. I hope someone from Highbury Hospital City Central LMHT and city crisis team reads this. I feel let down by the services.

    Visited November 2023

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    Review titled Highbury Hospital

    Replied on 07 December 2023

    Good afternoon trsy, I am sorry to hear of your experiences at City Central LMHT and would be very keen to look into these. If you would feel able to contact our PALs and Complaints team on or Tel: 0115 993 4542 I will ensure this is looked into and addressed. I hope this will help, Joanne

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  4. Review titled Fantastic Dr and 3rd year student nurse

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Julie Barker - Posted on 13 June 2023

    Understanding and the best mental health dr and student nurse I have come across. They both listened and supported my husband in a way that he felt the first time comfortable, safe and open. Sorry I have forgot there names but I would like people to know they are amazing. Thank you.

    Visited Adult Mental Illness on June 2023

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    Review titled Highbury Hospital

    Replied on 21 June 2023

    Hello Thank you for your feedback, it is really nice to hear about the support your husband got, I would really like to feed your comments back to the individuals involved, I know you cannot remember their names but are you able to tell me what team this was with? Many thanks, Steve Steve Hill Service manager Acute Inpatient Services – City Highbury Hospital Bulwell NG6 9DR

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  5. Review titled Wonderful staff - but not enough of them

    by octanstn47 - Posted on 29 June 2023

    Patients who are often violent are left alone to be agitated and provoked by other patients who are intentionally provocative - (short staffed) MENU!! Soup - healthy and filling (proven by dieticians) Always on the menu, in the 4 weeks of my stay, soup was and still is on the menu, it has never (not once even) been available, I have been laughed at about this -stop moaning, etc, and offered version of a cuppa soup (high salt, dry option). Staff have been wonderful, very interactive and helpful (just not enough).

    Visited June 2023

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    Review titled Highbury Hospital

    Replied on 03 July 2023

    Hello octanstn47 Thank you for taking time to give feedback on your experience at Highbury. I am really happy to hear your comments about the staff and I will feed this back to the ward, we are constantly looking at staffing numbers to ensure that the right numbers are in each area to ensure the safety of our patients.. I am sorry to hear about your experience with the food options and this not being available as advertised, I will raise this with our Matron who can take it up with the catering department. If you wish you discuss this further then please don't hesitate to contact me on the below number Many thanks, Steve Steve Hill Service manager Acute Inpatient Services – City Highbury Hospital Bulwell NG6 9DR Telephone: 01159691300. Ext:14959 Mobile: 07748365140

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  6. Review titled Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care

    by Amanzimtoti - Posted on 11 August 2023

    I was going through a rough time dealing with a number of health issues causing mental and physical problems and worked for the trust. I found this service so helpful and would suggest that to speak with someone without judgment was so beneficial. This was at Highbury Hospital but they work across the trust and is for patients and staff and anyone in need of support.

    Visited May 2023

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    Review titled Highbury Hospital

    Replied on 21 August 2023

    Hi Amanzimtoti, Thank you so much for taking the time to leave feedback regarding the Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care service. It's wonderful to hear that you found the service to be so helpful. We have shared the link to your lovely feedback with the team so I know they will all be so pleased to know the positive impact this has had. Wishing you all the best with your future health and recovery, Amy Palmer Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Lead.

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Information supplied by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust