Queen Alexandra Hospital
Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3LYContact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
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Review titled Positive hysteroscopy experience
by LollyS91 - Posted on 19 December 2023
Yesterday I had a positive hysteroscopy experience at QA Hospital, Portsmouth. I feel the need to write about this as I had read so many horror stories online about this procedure. I am 32 and have no children. I was referred to the gynaecologist department in July 2022 by my GP due to heavy periods, bleeding between periods, and because a polyp had been found by the hospital during an ultrasound.I was eventually called last week to book my appointment, 73 weeks after referral. During this wait I regularly called the gynae department for an update, but none could be provided nor any timescales. When I was called to book this appointment, I was given very little information, just told that a camera would be involved and to take paracetamol an hour before my appointment.I did subsequently call the gynae department as I had some questions, such as what procedure I was to have done, and spoke to a nurse who was lovely and answered them all, though she did say I would receive a patient information leaflet about the procedure which I never did. I did then receive a text from the hospital with a pin to view my appointment letter on their portal however the letter simply said the time and date of my appointment and the name of the consultant. It didn't say what procedure I was having, and there was no patient information leaflet about the procedure attached, just some generic hospital information as further reading.Because I had received such little information, I researched online. I found many horror stories about how painful the procedure was, about how women were traumatised, and read it described as ‘medieval torture’ and ‘worse than labour’. This left me nervous. I also found the best practice guide for the procedure from the Royal College of ObGy and I then found the patient hysteroscopy information leaflet on the QA Hospital website, however, feel I should have been directed to this or sent it, as then perhaps I would not have gone researching and found what I had found.My appointment was yesterday, and I took my partner with me who was allowed in all the rooms. Firstly, I saw the consultant to talk through why I was there etc. I explained that I had read horror stories about pain and was told that I could try the procedure either with no anaesthetic or local if required, or rebook to have it under general anaesthetic. I was told that they would try to keep me talking during the procedure as not talking may be a sign that I was in pain. I was told how a polyp would be removed if one were found. It was explained that there was no way of knowing how painful a woman would find it beforehand until it was tried. I asked if my smear test that was due could be done at the same time, along with having the coil fitted, and was told that yes both these could also be done. I decided to go ahead and try the procedure without anaesthetic. I would say perhaps this consultation felt a tad rushed.We then went into the procedure room and there were two nurses there. I was told to undress from the waist down behind a curtain and cover myself with a sheet then sit on the chair with my legs up in supports. I was asked if I could be pregnant/when my last period was. My partner was next to me holding my hand, along with a nurse, and the other nurse was on the other side to assist the doctor. I had a smear test, hysteroscopy, and coil fitted. Whilst the procedure was uncomfortable, I felt little pain. The times I did feel pain it only lasted a few seconds. The most painful bit was having anaesthetic injected into my uterus to have the coil fitted, but again the pain only lasted a few seconds. No polyp was found so I did not have a polypectomy. The nurse to my side was talking to me throughout, the feelings etc were explained before they happened, and I was in the room for half an hour, maybe less. Once the procedure was complete, I was told to go back behind the curtain and redress. The doctor explained the coil could be in for 7 years and asked if I had any questions which I didn’t then he left the room. The nurses then offered me a drink which I didn’t accept as I just wanted to go at this point, and I was handed a patient aftercare leaflet and a card with the date the coil was fitted and the latest date of removal.I understood there may be cramping and bleeding for a few days after the procedure, but I’ve not had this.Overall, I had a positive experience yesterday. It was not, for me, the medieval torture that I had read it described as online. I had barely any pain and any pain that I did have was short lived. I do not feel that I would have needed it under general anaesthetic. Other than the not having received written information beforehand, I felt the best practice that I had read online had been followed.Positives:+ friendly nurses+ good practice guide mainly followed+ offered the choice to rebook under general anaesthetic+ offered local anaesthetic if required+ ‘one stop shop’ – got smear and coil done at the same time+ spoken to throughout procedure+ feelings/bits of procedure explained before being performed+ little painNegatives:-Ultrasound department said I had a polyp even though I didn’t-Long waiting list-No timescales provided during time on waiting list-No written information about the procedure ahead of the appointment-Consultation felt rushed-No explanation as to what has caused all the bleeding after no polyp was found
Visited December 2023
Provided by Care opinion
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Review titled Dreadful service
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Peter Bowen-Simpkins - Posted on 13 December 2023
I was seen in July with ocular hypertension and seen by a consultant who said I needed treatment as soon as possible and promised a date within six weeks. In late September I was sent an appointment for mid December. 90 mins before my procedure I was informed that I had been given the wrong appointment and I have now to wait till early January. I have spent all my working life in the NHS but have never come across such appalling treatment. For a so called urgent procedure to be delayed by 6 months is inexusable
Visited Ophthalmology on December 2023
Review titled Queen Alexandra Hospital
Replied on 15 December 2023
Good afternoon Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback regarding issues experienced in the delay in receiving treatment for your eye. We were very sorry to read about your experience and would recommend contacting our Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) for help and guidance, via the following methods: Email the team: pht.pals@porthosp.nhs.uk Telephone the team: Free phone 0800 917 6039 or 023 9228 6309 Kind Regards Kay. PALS Manager, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
Provided by Care opinion
Review titled Colonoscopy department review
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Peter Reader - Posted on 15 December 2023
Just wanted to say that every member of staff who I met was friendly, helpful and thoughtful. The whole experience could not have been better organised and conducted. There was an overwhelming sense of "caring" in the department. I'm grateful.
Visited Colorectal cancer services on December 2023
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Review titled Caring and efficiency
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Gillian Dart - Posted on 05 January 2024
Had keyhole surgery for hysterectomy. From my first visit to QA prior to operation was dealt with in a very caring manner and the whole procedure explained by the Consultant. The operating theatre staff were very calm and caring and my whole time in the hospital was one QA can be proud of. The post operative staff were kind, helpful and cheerful. Thankyou QA.
Visited Gynaecology on December 2023
Queen Alexandra Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Kindness and respect.
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by John Neilan - Posted on 27 December 2023
Transperineal Precision Point template biopsy 19 December 2023. No waiting past the appointment time. Handled by three ladies who were professional and kind at all times. The process was relaxing and almost pain free, not as bad as the dentist. Plenty of recovery time and coffee and biscuits provided until I was collected by my transport. At the age of 80 I have had plenty of experience of NHS treatment from Meningitis in 1958 through to Necrotising Fasciitis in 1982 plus 2 hernias etc. etc. and this comes out top. Well done to everybody. Only mistake was not to warn me before I went that a urine sample would be needed. Naturally with my condition you take every chance available to go to the toilet before every event which is what I did as soon as I arrived at QA. So no urine sample was produced.
Visited Urology on December 2023
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Review titled Congratulations
Rated 4 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 10 January 2024
A&E New Year's Eve...from dialling 111 to arriving at QA and in dept was 5 hours. Wonderful service from a battered NHS..took 22 hours to get a bed on a ward but treatment in A&E 1st Class..and with a smile. Only one little complaint unable to wash in that dept as no facilities..but of course in normal circumstances wouldn't need to wash..
Visited Accident and emergency services on December 2023
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Review titled Telephone calls
Rated 4 stars out of 5
by Chris Moyses - Posted on 22 December 2023
I have left 3 messages on the 4167 Extension and 2 messages on the 4162 extension in the past two weeks. I am still waiting for a reply from either. I am trying to change a renewed telephone appointment
Visited Urology on December 2023
Queen Alexandra Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled A wonderful, caring team
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Amy - Posted on 14 January 2024
My father suffered a stroke just before Christmas and died before New Year. From the moment he was admitted to the stroke ward, my whole family were impressed by the professionalism and kindness shown by the team. Everything was clearly and carefully communicated to us, and the consultant always made sure that we understood what was happening. The nurses were compassionate, helpful and committed to patient care. They did everything they could to make a very difficult time bearable, and we are indebted to them.
Visited Stroke on December 2023
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Review titled No results
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 19 December 2023
Still waiting for CT scan results that was done 4 weeks ago - left messages but have had no response!
Visited Urology on November 2023
Queen Alexandra Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Prescriptions
Rated 3 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 02 December 2023
I went into hospital at 7.30 am. Everything went smoothly the nurses doctors were really lovely. The only thing is I had to wait for a prescription for over 5hrs and still didn't get it. Surely it shouldn't take that long. Very unhappy I discharged myself and went to my own drs surgery
Visited Don't know on November 2023
Review titled Queen Alexandra Hospital
Replied on 15 December 2023
Good afternoon Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this lovely feedback about your recent experience of care that you received from the Doctors and Nurses. I'm sorry that the rest of your experience was not good, and you had a long delay in receiving your prescription. I have shared this feedback with the teams concerned to look into. Kind Regards Kay. PALS Manager, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth.
Provided by Care opinion
Information supplied by Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust