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Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital

Haslingden Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 3HH

Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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Displaying 61 to 63 of 63

  1. Review titled No communication from Endocrinology

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by David Greenwood - Posted on 23 April 2023

    I went into Royal Blackburn for a heart procedure ( Cardioversion )on 22nd March this year to stop my atrial fibrillation but was told my thyroid was not regular and needed treatment before I could receive treatment for AF. Five weeks later, no communication from endocrinology as my heart worsens. Why? No dates given . No communication. This is not patient care!! When will I get the care ?! David Greenwood still waiting……../\………../\/\………

    Visited Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine on March 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Dear David, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience on NHS Website about your recent visit for a heart procedure at Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital. I am extremely sorry to hear of your recent experience and have fed your comments back to the senior staff and the Directorate Manager for Diabetes and Endocrinology. Confirmation has been provided that an appointment has been made by Endocrinology and you should receive a text message with the details from the booking centre. If you would like to provide further information about your experience you can contact the Patient Experience team by email at Or if you prefer you can discuss further any concerns you may have about our services with our East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Customer Relations team on 01254 733700 or who can advise you of your options in raising these concerns further. Many thanks again for taking the time to provide your feedback. Sarah Ridehalgh Patient Experience Facilitator

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Awful

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by SNN - Posted on 15 April 2024

    I had been referred for a keloid removal as its been causing me a lot of pain - I saw the consultant in March 2023, had my pre-op in Nov 2023. Now 5 months later still not had my procedure. I’ve attempted to contact numerous times, no one answers. I’ve left numerous voice mails, no one rings back. Just pure ignorance at this point. Extremely disappointed to be on the receiving end of this, really showcases the NHS value & morals towards their idea of patient care.

    Visited Ear, Nose & Throat on March 2023

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    Review titled Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital

    Replied on 16 April 2024

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on NHS Website. I am very sorry to hear that your issues making contact regarding a referral for keloid removal. We would encourage you to contact our East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Customer Relations Team on 01254 733700 or to provide more information so that we can investigate why this has happened. We are committed to improving future services and this would help us to make appropriate changes. In the meantime we will share your feedback with the senior staff in the surgery department. Once again please accept our apologies for your experience. Kind Regards Sarah Ridehalgh Patient Experience Facilitator

    Report as unsuitable

  3. Review titled Exceptionally poor

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 28 March 2023

    Tried to contact the department and was on hold for over 1 hour without an answer. Apparently the MIR reception is open until 19:45 hours. No answer from 16:02 until 17:24. Tried again from 17:31- 1750. Still no answer, this is why so many people miss there appointments because they are unable to get through. There is absolutely no excuse for not answering the phone for such a long period off time. Why not have a email contact so at least you could leave your issue that way and the staff could pick it up when it suited. New management is definitely needed.

    Visited Don't know on March 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital

    Replied on 29 March 2023

    Dear patient Thank you for taking the time to share your experience on the NHS Website about your issues contacting the MRI department at Royal Blackburn Hospital. I am extremely sorry to hear of your recent experience and have fed your comments back to the Directorate Manager and Administration Manager for Radiology, who apologise for the difficulties you have experienced. I am advised that unfortunately there have been some issues with the phones and IT are working to resolve this as soon as possible. If you would like to provide further information about your experience you can contact the Patient Experience team. You can contact me (Melissa Almond ) by email at Or if you prefer you can discuss further any concerns you may have about our services with our East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Customer Relations team on 01254 733700 or who can advise you of your options in raising these concerns further. Many thanks again for taking the time to provide your feedback. Melissa Almond Senior Patient Experience Facilitator

    Report as unsuitable

Information supplied by East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust