Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street, London, NW3 2QGContact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
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Review titled Excellent service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by 6121593016 - Posted on 16 February 2025
Went to MRI this morning and received excellent care . Thank you all v.much I appreciate all the staff's hard work.
Visited Diagnostic Physiological Measurement on February 2025
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 17 February 2025
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review about your experience in MRI. We'll share your feedback with the team. With best wishes, the patient experience team
Review titled brutal experience
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 14 February 2025
I came to the RFH for a routine colposcopy. I've had many gynaecological exams and tests before, and even had a surgery at some point, so I'm very used to the environment and feel relaxed there. I also used to work with the Royal Free and was happy to be going back as a patient. The clinician started the appointment by telling me that my GP was terrible and they should get more gynaecological training (they actually specialise in gynaecology). Why would they say that before even doing the examination and seeing for themselves? Thinking back to it, it was the first sign that something was wrong, a good professional would never badmouth a colleague, especially in front of a patient. The examination was really painful, it felt like the speculum was being pushed into an open wound. I have high tolerance for pain and rarely complain, but even I couldn't stay silent. A brown dye (probably iodine?) was applied and I felt like I was burning from the inside. No warning or explanation was given to me beforehand. I felt completely helpless and the clinician was not listening to me or explaining the process very well. They kept telling me to relax, but how can I do that when I'm in pain? Also, I could see everything that was happening inside of me right there on the screen. I couldn't sit after my appointment, my whole left side was in pain. It was painful to walk. I decided to stay at the hospital until I felt better. The clinician noticed that and tried to talk to me, but instead of listening to me and trying to help they kept repeating that they didn't harm me and I should just take ibuprofen. They kept talking about the cervix while I repeatedly told them that's not where the pain was. So frustrating. I live in a different part of London and was barely able to get home. It was hours until I was feeling better and could sit without being in pain. I've had dozens of appointments like this one and they are supposed to be nearly painless. Not to mention every other clinician I met was caring and would not send me home suffering like this. This experience really shocked me. Whatever they did with that speculum, it did hurt me, and no one cared enough to listen and help.
Visited Gynaecology on February 2025
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 18 February 2025
Dear patient, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review about your recent colposcopy and I am sorry to read about the experience you describe. We can share your feedback with the colposcopy team for their learning, however if you would like this matter looked into in more detail, please contact our colleagues in the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). They can be contacted by email at or via phone on 020 7472 6446 and will be able to help further. With best wishes, the patient experience team
Review titled Unprofessional and Rude ENT Consultant Experience
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 13 December 2024
I recently attended an ENT appointment and was left extremely disappointed. The consultant barely spoke English, showed no courtesy by not offering a seat, and seemed uninterested in listening to my concerns. The interaction felt rushed and impersonal, more like a retail service than professional healthcare. When I asked about the next steps for my condition, the consultant couldn’t provide any clear answers and abruptly ended the conversation with "closed gate and go." This level of unprofessionalism and lack of empathy was unexpected and disheartening. I hope future patients have a more positive experience.
Visited Ear, Nose & Throat on December 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 16 December 2024
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback on your recent appointment. This falls well below the level of professionalism and compassion expected from our staff. If you would like this to be looked into further, you can contact our colleagues in the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) either via email at or on 020 7472 6446 Best wishes, the patient experience team
Review titled Failed standards
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 15 December 2024
I supposed to have a 20 minute MRI, 10 minutes without contrast and10 minutes with contrast, but due to my asthma I had an allergic reaction to the contrast. I usually have a mild allergic reaction to contrast, always within the first minute when the contrast agent spreads into my veins because it acts as a vasodilator and I have asthma. So it has nothing to do with the procedure or the closed scanning machine and I have had many different scans with contrast in the past and always the same reaction the first few seconds which last about 1 minute and then the feeling of warmth in my chest gradually disappears as the contrast spreads further into my veins. But this time my allergic reaction was more than mild, I couldn't breathe and the feeling of warmth in my chest was more concentrated, which fortunately gradually spread to my neck, stomach and head and disappeared. I had to press the button because the feeling of warmth in my chest was so strong that at one point I couldn't breathe. The radiologist continued scanning and said, “There’s no such thing.” Thankfully, the concentrated feeling of heat spread to other parts of my body and then it went away like it always does. When I pressed the button, it was unbearable and no one could have known it would go away. At one point, I was ready to pull myself out of the machine violently. After a minute, the scan stopped and the radiologist said, “Maybe it was anxiety.” To which I replied that I always have a reaction after a contrast injection and I don’t have any reactions when I do scans without contrast. Then the radiologist quickly said we were done and I could go home. So no ten-minute contrast scan. The radiologist quickly sent me home without recording an allergic event in the system and no nurse to check me. There’s a protocol for that. I was sent home with dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches and palpitations that lasted about 2-3 hours and the next day I had an allergic reaction with a delayed onset of an hour of chest pain. I was not monitored nor did the nurse check my blood pressure or pulse, which is what the radiologist should have arranged. I was sent home with a moderate allergic reaction. Moreover, the radiologist who interpreted the incomplete MRI scan wrote: "This is only seen on the sagittal sequence on the postcontrast study, not seen on other sequences and therefore of uncertain significance." How can someone interpret an incomplete MRI scan and make an oncological conclusion about a tumor where contrast images are very important, otherwise a small tumor is not visible? The radiologist should have ordered another MRI with contrast instead of making life-changing claims about the tumor. Instead of a 10-minute scan with contrast, I only had 1 minute, which means the MRI images are not enough to check for a small tumor. This just goes to show how saving money on patients and staff reputations seems to take precedence over the health, safety, and correct diagnosis of the patient.
Visited Don't know on November 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 16 December 2024
Thank you for your feedback and I am sorry to read about your experience. If you have not already done so, I would recommend contacting our colleagues in the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for them to look into this further for you. They can be contacted either via email at or on 020 7472 6446 With best wishes, the patient experience team
Review titled Poor service
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 22 October 2024
I went to Royal Free Hospital for a blood test. Even though I went there 15 minutes prior to the appointment time, there was a long queue in front of the reception exclusively for blood tests and I couldn't even register myself in time. What is the appointment for if your hospital is in such an disorganised state?
Visited Phlebotomy on October 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 28 October 2024
Thank you for your review of our blood test service. We're sorry to read that there was such a long queue that you couldn't register before your appointment time despite being 15 minutes early. We will share your feedback with the manager of the service. Best wishes, The patient experience team
Review titled Disgraceful reception
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 05 October 2024
Everybody will, rudely, go out of their way to be as unhelpful as possible. This is an emergency service for children - hire some people who actually care. Until then, I strongly recommend to anybody reading this to visit another hospital. During our visit, the first receptionist couldn’t stop checking the game he was playing on his phone, before mumbling something and thrusting a ticket at us. A follow-up question on the process between triage and doctor with a new receptionist was met with I can’t help you repeated word-for-word three times to three different questions.
Visited Paediatrics services on October 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 10 October 2024
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your recent visit. I'm sorry to read about the experience you describe, this is not the behaviour the hospital expects from its staff. We can share your feedback with the department, however if you would like this looked into in more detail, our colleagues in the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can help. They can be contacted at With best wishes, The Patient Experience Team
Review titled wonderful experience
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Gordon - Posted on 21 September 2024
from the moment my wife was admitted to the rf she was treated with so much care and attention,from the top consultants to the cleaning staff. Unfortunately my wife had complications and despite all there efforts she passed away ,what a fantastic team.
Visited Gastrointestinal and Liver services on September 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 10 October 2024
Dear Gordon, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review and please accept our apologies for the delay in responding and condolences of the passing of your wife. We'd be happy to share your feedback with the team/s involved in your wife's care if you like, however would need further information. If this is something you'd like us to do, please email us at and we can do that. With best wishes, The Patient Experience Team
Review titled Great support
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Mr Faijanbhai Vahora - Posted on 21 September 2024
Hello royal free hospital team, I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart for the support and cooperation you all have given and due to which both my child and my wife are healthy today and for the care you have shown to my child and my wife. The support and reassurance we received especially from the hospital's ITU team, maternity department and babycare department staff was truly a family gift so I am deeply grateful to all those staff members. Today we are taking discharge, so if we have caused any trouble to you all, I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
Visited Maternity services on September 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 10 October 2024
Dear Mr Vahora, Thank you for your review and apologies for the delay in responding. We will pass your feedback onto the teams mentioned above. Wishing you all the best. The Patient Experience Team
Review titled Sad birth experience
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Daniela - Posted on 13 October 2024
I am writing this review out of pure disappointment. Briefly, I gave birth in August. During the contractions, I was dilating slowly, the midwife that checked me, told me that she was just doing a quick sweep as well. I did not ask or consented for the sweep, I was content with the slow progression, baby and I were not in any form of distress. Why the rush? Afterwards, the pains started to intensify and I ask for the epidural. I was presented the side efects of potential pains, migrane and I was asked about any allergies. I do not remember being told that the epidural decreases the blood pressure. Anyways, the innevitable happened, my blood pressure which is normally low dropped even more, as well and the baby's, and this resulted in an emergency c-section. Now, I have done a lot of research myself and read on medical websites that the administration of liquids helps with the low blood pressure. At no point was I offered this and my whole frustration and disappointment emerges there - why not? Didn't the nurses or doctors know about this option or did they just wanted to rush the birth? Do us as patients have to come there with tones of research done, just because we can't fully trust that the medical staff would act in our best interest and not pressured by time or admin issues?
Visited Maternity services on August 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 18 October 2024
Dear Daniela, Thank you for taking the time to provide us with feedback on your birth experience in August. We're sorry to read that you do not feel you were told about the fact that an epidural can reduce blood pressure and that due to the drop in your and your baby's blood pressure resulted in an emergency c-section. Unfortunately, we are unable to look into this any further for you with the details we have from your review. If you would like this to be looked into further and your questions answered, please contact our colleagues in the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). Our maternity service is managed by Barnet Hospital and their PALS team will help you. They can be contacted via email at With best wishes, The Patient Experience Team
Review titled Fantastic pidiatric team
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Georgina - Posted on 28 August 2024
Would really like to thank the royal free hospital for sincerely looking after my son's finger. We had appointments once a week for a month ,my son had part of his finger amputated,we're a door had slammed and took the top of it off . The team made sure my son was really looked after and did regular check ups on him to make sure the finger had fully recovered. Thank you for your care and professionalism.
Visited Paediatrics services on August 2024
Review titled Royal Free Hospital
Replied on 29 August 2024
Dear Georgina, Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback about the care your son has received. We'll share your feedback with the team. Best wishes, The Patient Experience Team
Information supplied by Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust