St Helier Hospital
Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1AAContact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
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Review titled Vert Poor Service
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Millicent Terry - Posted on 08 April 2024
I had to wait eleven days for a prescription to be dispensed when it should have taken a maximum of 3 working days.
Visited Pharmacy available on-site on April 2024
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Review titled Well done A+E
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Carol - Posted on 14 April 2024
Took my Mum to a+e and from the start to end of her visit all of the staff were amazing. They showed great concern, understanding and empathy to the situation and explained everything that would be happening. They listened to all of our concerns and even though the department was extremely busy and the staff obviously under pressure they were all happy and so lovely to my Mum. I would like to say thank you so much to all concerned.
Visited Accident and emergency services on April 2024
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Review titled Slow and understaffed
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Toye - Posted on 26 March 2024
Waiting nearly 6 hours to see a doctor is unacceptable, especially when the child blacked out and couldn't breath. Not sure why I pay taxes, if I can't access the facilities in a reasonable timeframe. Disappointing is an understatement.
Visited Accident and emergency services on March 2024
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Review titled Such hard working staff
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Pamela O Rourke/Tabberner - Posted on 23 January 2024
From triage to 3 nights in ED, my husband was very sick and was transferred to StH from Epsom . It was very busy as the transfer happed Fri night/sat morning. Despite the late hour and busy ER, every staff member was kind and caring. From the reception staff who followed up on the transfer (despite sadly getting a lot of hassle from the public re: waiting times) the triage team who allowed a surgery consult on their trolley even though they desperately needed it and then getting us a corner for the trolley. Major then looked after him for the next 3 days , thank You !
Visited Don't know on January 2024
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Review titled Fantastic Service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 18 February 2024
Transferred from Epsom Hospital which was totally different service. Fantastic service. They were friendly and attentive. They offered me a wash. I didn’t feel embarrassed or scared. They really cared. They would come by and check I was ok. I had personal items given to me to wash my hands on, wipe my bum and tissues. I felt safe and knew if I pressed the bell they were straight there to help me. The nurses said hello at change over before talking about my case which made me feel safe as they acknowledged me as a person and not just a body. The Drs told me what was going on and why they were doing what they were to me. A follow on appointment has been made and will see them within a week. So no real wait. All my medications were on time and ensured that they were taken. The only thing I can think of that could be done better is that Drs write in the notes why they are giving a patient a certain medication or diagnoses. I saw 3 different Drs in 3 days and although I was given advice, the Dr had not written this in the notes so the next Dr didn’t know what I was talking about. I would have liked advice on what I should do when home.
Visited Gastrointestinal and Liver services on January 2024
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Review titled Poor patient communication
Rated 2 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 21 December 2023
I have been on the waiting list for a dermatology appointment since May 2023. I was contacted in October 2023 to ask if I still required this appointment and if I wanted to remain on the waiting list. I responded to this with 'yes' and followed up with a phone call where I was assured I was on the waiting list but no clear timeframe. I then received a letter in December 2023 to say I had not attended my appointment. I was extremely disappointed by this as I received no communication from the hospital about this appointment, other than that I was still on the waiting list. The outpatient booking centre was unable to assist me with the matter, saying they can only apologise that I didn't receive a letter or text about the appointment, and I am now back where I started, and still on the waiting list. This is a hospital communications error, as I always receive all other letters/texts about other appointments. Still waiting to hear back from the dermatology department themselves re: resolving this issue.
Visited Dermatology on December 2023
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Review titled Thank you and well-done, excellent care
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 05 December 2023
My elderly mum was an emergency admission via A&E, her care there and in AMC was excellent. Thank you everyone X Lisa
Visited Critical care on December 2023
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Review titled Excellent Patient Care
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by STEPHEN CHARLES TOON - Posted on 11 November 2023
Attended St Helier on Friday 10th November for cataract extraction and visual improvement. The whole team, Admin, Nurses and Doctors were wonderful. They made an anxious elderly patient feel extremely welcome and comfortable. The surgery was uncomplicated and completely successful. Thank you to the consultant Doctor and first year trainee Doctor (who performed the extraction) for their bedside manner and expertise and special praise to the Nurse who accompanied me to the operating theatre and stayed with me throughout the surgery.
Visited Ophthalmology on November 2023
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Review titled Caring staff
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Guy Sander - Posted on 17 November 2023
I have started a long haul of chemo for CLL. This is my fourth bout of cancer, I have previously had bowel stage 3 and resection; liver metastasis, liver resection and skin cancer. I have had a great deal of different chemo’s. I found the staff at the cancer ward in St Helier exceptional. Every single person who dealt with me was kind, caring and very professional. It has made me feel stronger about my next up and coming battle. I wish to thank the staff for all of their help.
Visited Cancer Services on November 2023
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Review titled Fantastic
Rated 4 stars out of 5
by Sarah Killick - Posted on 14 October 2023
Had to visit A&E with my 16 year old son at 19:30 on a Saturday night - was blown away with the help from everyone from receptionists, triage nurse, nurse practitioner & radiologists. All pleasant & kind & in & out in less than 2 hours. Thank you all very much.
Visited Accident and emergency services on October 2023
St Helier Hospital has not yet replied.
Information supplied by Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust