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Trewalder Chapel, Trewalder, Cornwall, PL33 9ET

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Displaying 11 to 20 of 65

  1. Review titled Very poor service overall

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Mark Crossley - Posted on 21 April 2024

    This took ages to accept the referral, the GP had done a referral for autism, they kept saying they had not received it, I emailed a copy of the referral but they would not accept it. Finally I get the forms, fill them out, and I could have had a assessment but needed more time. They discharged me to the GP when I said not to, they say I need a face to face in person and I said I wanted online. I was told someone would call to go through the form but they never called. They won't reinstate the online assessment after spending hours preparing information so I won't know if I am autistic or not. They want the GP to refer back with the same information. I use GP surgery as c/o my home address due to bad experiences, they know this yet demand my home address, I said no means no, one time they called East Midlands Ambulance inappropriately about m when this was not necessary. They want the GP to refer back with the same information, pointless. They want me to have face to face when I have said I want online hence I requested online so now I am no far forward when I am ready for the assessment. They seem obsessed with having ID and audio or video recording calls and if you don't consent they won't speak to you. The experience is very poor and I have not moved forward, they are inflexible towards potential people who are autistic in their language and approach. On one call one lady ask for my home address 50 times and I said no. They cause upset and don't change their behaviour. Is it really worth the effort to get an autism diagnosis? Wished I had not bothered asking for an assessment now. I thought this would be the breakthrough I needed. Clearly not. Expect they will reply and say their patient experience team say this is not how they want it to be. They will look into it and this is not rectified, go back to GP and they don't understand how long the process takes or to refer elsewhere. They are out of touch. Customer service and interaction needs seriously looking at.

    Visited April 2024

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    Psychiatry-UK has not yet replied.

  2. Review titled Discharged against their policy

    by Liam - Posted on 22 April 2024

    Don't really consider the conditions they're treating. Ask people with ADHD to fill in forms every week without failure and threatened to discharge me, I missed a few for various personal reasons then was discharged despite not meeting their discharge criteria. They don't send you reminders to fill in forms or anything useful for the conditions to help cater for their patients conditions... would not recommend.

    Visited April 2024

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  3. Review titled Online just doesn’t work

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 15 March 2024

    Multiple attempts at ASD assessment online, Attempt 1 nov 2023 - Clinicians internet connection was poor - had to cancel Attempt 2 Jan 2024 - admin booked follow up now assessment- cancelled Attempt 3 - March 2024 - clinician cancelled appointment- re arranged Attempt 4 - March 2024 - error with teams link by organiser not allowing for guests to join ie.. me. Attempt 5…….??

    Visited March 2024

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  4. Review titled Awful.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Mrs hannah Taylor - Posted on 26 February 2024

    My husband was discharged from the service without warning on Friday. My husband with previous mental health breakdowns and who is a carer for myself with disabilities. We have kids we have jobs and now after a few months of him feeling clarity it has been ripped from us. They upheld the decision, leaving us with the prospect of starting the two year process again. I'm due major surgery in a week (hysterectomy) and my husband has lost the one thing that helps him cope. It's a disgrace expecting people being diagnosed with executive dysfunction to comply with unclear policies with zero support. Had I seen these reviews first I would have run a mile. Disgrace.

    Visited February 2024

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    Review titled Psychiatry-UK

    Replied on 15 March 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you for sharing your feedback with Psychiatry UK via our NHS review area. We are genuinely sorry to learn of the distress your husband’s discharge has caused to both him and your wider family. Unfortunately we have to operate a strict discharge policy, which may be activated if patients are not engaging regularly with our service. We are, however, continuously working to improve the communications we send out to ensure: (a) that our policies are clear to patients engaging with our service and (b) to send out notifications to patients that they may be discharged if they have not responded to messages. Our patient experience is paramount and we value all feedback provided to inform the continuous improvement of our service, making small, incremental changes as and when required. Kind regards Psychiatry UK

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  5. Review titled Poor Service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 26 April 2024

    My son was referred by GP for an ADHD assessment, he was so relieved after a long wait to get to the top of the waiting list. However he was abruptly discharged as they said he did not fill in the required forms, which was untrue as he took ages to fill in, which is a real chore for someone with ADHD to do. I don’t know what is going on with this company but something is seriously wrong.

    Visited February 2024

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    Psychiatry-UK has not yet replied.

  6. Review titled No response

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 27 February 2024

    I've been waiting for a doctor to review my blood pressure results for over 2 months now. I am awaiting titration, and my GP has sent across my results via email, and I have also uploaded these to the portal. I have also tried to contact support through the portal, and there has been zero response. The phone number as posted on your contact us page, returns call failed.

    Visited February 2024

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    Review titled Psychiatry-UK

    Replied on 15 March 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you for sharing your experience of our service and we sincerely apologise that you have been waiting so long for your blood pressure results to be reviewed. We are also concerned to learn that your call to our customer service team failed. While we are unable to address individual cases through public reviews, we would encourage you to please reach out to our dedicated Patient Safety Team at They will be able to look into your case and understand the specific issues you’ve encountered. We understand the importance of continuous improvement and are dedicated to enhancing our services based on the feedback of our patients. Kind regards Psychiatry UK

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  7. Review titled Terrible communication Titration only

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 06 February 2024

    Assesment and diagnosis proces were a lot faster than I expected and the psychologist was great I cannot fault anything from that. Titration on the other hand is awful. First off, they expect you to remember and order your medication with 7 days notice, which is crazy for a service provided to people with trouble in executive functioning and memory but thats not the point. After finally getting you on the right dose and you feel like you are winning life, they abandon you in times of crisis. Due to the shortages of medication (not their fault) I was suddenly without over night. When you take the medication it replaces the very little dopamine people with ADHD have so your brain stops producing it altogether. When you stop taking it abruptly you suffer withdrawals and dangerously low levels of neurotransmitters which can lead to, in certain circumstances, suicidality, depression and aggression. Nobody told me to ration the doses I had left, nobody told me how badly this would effect me. Nobody even contacted me after numerous notes on the portal and 3 emails to the customer care team. I got sent one note from a therapist with a link to an adhd website and the crisis team contact details. Which was not helpful at all, when all I was asking for was an update. I have today had a notification that my medication is on the way however, I have still not had any contact at all from the titration team. I do not know if it is safe to go straight back onto the dose I was on previously as I have now been off them for a while. I will be contacting my own GP to discuss this, as it seems pointless trying to get through to somebody at a service that is literally dedicated to it. Make that make sense. Communication goes a long way, if you are looking for it here, think again.

    Visited February 2024

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    Review titled Psychiatry-UK

    Replied on 18 February 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you for your review, detailing the problems you have experienced during your titration. I am really sorry to hear that you have felt abandoned during the medication shortage. Unfortunately this review site is managed by Psychiatry-UK’s Communications Team, and we do not have clinical training to be able to give any type of advice. We are also not permitted to look into individual patient cases due to GDPR restrictions. Your review is concerning and we do not want to leave you feeling unsupported. Could I encourage you to please contact our Patient Experience Team at: They will be able to discuss these issues with you in more depth and find the appropriate people to give you the advice you need and help you move forward.

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  8. Review titled Finding excuses to discharge me back without seeing me

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 31 May 2024

    Been on waiting list for two years for adhd keep getting emails apologizing . Now I get one saying if I don’t log in they might discharge me back to GP. So it’s an excuse to remove you because they have too many patients. Can’t log in and can’t speak to an agent so they’ll refer me back to GP through no fault of my own. I know ADHD isn’t a major diagnosis but I know someone else who was just diagnosed by their GP without a specialist. I really hope the NHS is not paying for them to discharge me back without being seen.

    Visited January 2024

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    Psychiatry-UK has not yet replied.

  9. Review titled Left with no support following diagnosis

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 26 March 2024

    My 18 year old son received an ADHD diagnosis via Psychiatry-UK in September 2023 after a reasonably short wait time - all good so far. However, after the diagnosis he was not offered any support whatsoever, not even sign-posting to support groups/websites etc, nothing at all. Then he started on titration ... it took a while to get a blood pressure monitor and his first prescription, lots of chasing up required, but he did eventually get going with the first lot of meds. Unfortunately, these meds did not suit him and he was advised to stop. But now of course, due to the lack of availability of meds, he is left with no meds, which I realise is not the fault of Psychiatry-UK, but what I find really frustrating is that they have left the responsibility for chasing up the titration with him, asking him to contact them every few weeks for an update. He has ADHD! This is exactly the sort of thing he struggles with! Surely they should be checking in with him regularly to see how he is, updating him about the availability of the meds he needs, not expecting him to chase them. And don't get me started on the massively lengthy emails they have sent him with so much information that he is expected to digest, understand and comply with various deadlines or be discharged - the only way he has been able to manage all this is because I help him. How people without support manage all this information is beyond me. How ironic that they diagnose people with ADHD and them immediately take none of this into account when communicating/supporting the patients after diagnosis. Not in the least bit inclusive, or even kind actually.

    Visited January 2024

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    Psychiatry-UK has not yet replied.

  10. Review titled Great assessment but completely ignored my case since

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Jordan - Posted on 13 February 2024

    Hi there This is for assessment that was completed in November 2021, that's how long I have been waiting for medication pulling my hair out. At first it was an amazing experience from the referral to the diagnostic assessment, and my specialist really helped me. The letter to my gp was sent quickly and I was referred to cardiology services, I took the ecg and everything was fine. I was sent out my blood pressure monitoring machine and then from that point on have had no communication. My gp has had no communication and i come to find out that i have been removed from the service and now need to go back to my gp to then be re referred and then go through titration from beginning to finish before the wait for the medication shortage begins, It's been such a difficult time and i just want some support. A crisis line is not the same as having the medication needed to help rewire my brain.

    Visited January 2024

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    Review titled Psychiatry-UK

    Replied on 18 February 2024

    Dear Patient Thank you for leaving a review. I completely understand the frustration you are feeling at having to seek a new referral from your GP and go through the titration process again. Without looking into your individual case it is impossible to explain the reasons for being discharged from our service. However, understandably, you need to move forward as quickly as possible and feel supported during this waiting period. Could I please encourage you to contact our Patient Experience Team at: They will be able to look into your case and assist you in finding out why you have been discharged.

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