Notting Hill Pharmacy
12 PEMBRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, W11 3HLHealthy living services
Stop smoking service
Free advice and support from trained pharmacy staff to help you stop smoking. You may also be offered medicine or other nicotine-replacement products to help you quit.
- Age restrictions may apply
- Booking may be needed: ask this pharmacy for details
- Free
- Room available to talk privately
Stop smoking service
Pay for advice and support from trained pharmacy staff to help you stop smoking. This pharmacy may recommend medicine or other nicotine-replacement products to buy to help you quit.
- Age restrictions may apply
- Booking may be needed: ask this pharmacy for details
- Not free: you need to pay
- Room available to talk privately
Stop smoking voucher service
Collect nicotine replacement therapy from this pharmacy to help you stop smoking, if you’ve been assessed and referred with a voucher from a local stop smoking service.
- Age restrictions may apply
- Call the free Smokefree National Helpline for details on 0330 123 1044
- Free
Services last confirmed: 26 September 2023
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