90 NORTH STREET, BEDMINSTER, BRISTOL, BS3 1HFScreening and test services
Chlamydia screening and treatment
Pay for a chlamydia testing kit. Ages allowed may vary between pharmacies due to local rules. You’ll get guidance for how to use it, plus advice on sexual health. This pharmacy may recommend medicine to buy to treat chlamydia.
- Age restrictions may apply
- Not free: you need to pay
- Room available to talk privately
- Walk-in service
COVID-19 lateral flow tests
If you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatment, you may be able to get free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests. Ask at this pharmacy for more details.
- All ages
- Free
- No booking needed
- Refer yourself: if you’re at higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19
NHS blood pressure check service
Adults aged 40 or over can get their blood pressure checked for free unless they have high blood pressure or have had it checked in the last 6 months.
- Adults aged 40 or over (adults aged 35 to 39 with a family history or risk of heart disease may be tested too)
- Booking may be needed: ask this pharmacy for details
- Free
- No need to visit a GP first
- Room available to talk privately
Services last confirmed: 9 December 2024
Find out more about NHS screening