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Alcohol addiction treatment Addiction Recovery Community (Arc) Milton Keynes

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Service details

Adult Service – Support for residents with drug, alcohol or gambling problems

ARC Milton Keynes offer free, confidential addiction services for all adult Milton Keynes residents and those with a GP in Milton Keynes. ARC-MK is a partnership between the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) and We Are With You (formerly called Addaction). Anyone at any stage of their alcohol, drug or gambling difficulties is welcome, with a single point of access to assessment and treatment for both substance misuse and associated emotional/mental health needs.

With an individual assessment and personal recovery plan we offer one to one and group therapies to help sustained recovery, including the opportunity volunteer and support others in the future. We promote joint working with employment agencies, training providers and housing associations to help you get back on track. The service can also help you access mental health, sexual health, domestic violence and homeless services across Milton Keynes.

Contact ARC-MK if you need support with your own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use.

Services include:

- Advice and information on reducing harm

- Needle exchange

- Physical health checks

- Access to specialist detoxification and rehabilitation programmes

- Specialist psychological interventions and groups

- Pharmacological treatments to manage withdrawal cravings etc.

- Access to the Problem Gambling Clinic

Opening times

Main service hours are 9:30am to 5pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday).

We are open later on some evenings of the week.

Please contact the service for more information.

The service is not open on bank holidays or weekends.

Referral method

If you feel that you, or someone you know, would benefit from support send a completed referral form to:


This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 21 February 2025.