Adults Supporting Adults (Head office)
Contact us
Adults Supporting Adults provides community services for people over the age of 18 years who have a learning or sensory disability or mental health needs including those with dementia and who require support to live in the community.
Opening times
Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 4.30pm
Disabled access
Catchment area
Target group
Resources are available to anyone who requires our support
Further information
Day Time ProvisionThis support enables people to maintain their independence and complete activities of their choice by accessing the community, visiting places of interest or completing tasks in the home. ASA will introduce you to a support worker who will work with you on a day and time that suits you.Sit2GetherA service which enables carers to have short breaks from the role of caring. ASA can provide support in the home and sit with your loved one, giving you piece of mind by knowing your loved one is being supported to be safe at home.
Referral method
Referral either through practitioner or family/self referral.
This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 14 January 2025.