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Carer benefits and legal services Age Uk Calderdale & Kirklees

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Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees provides a wide range of service for older people and their carers aged 50+.

Opening times

10am-1pm Monday - Friday


Level access to the Information Centre.

Catchment area

Calderdale and Kirklees Metropolitan Boroughs

Target group

All older people and carers aged 50+.

Further information

Information & AdviceAdvice and information for older people and carers aged 50+ on matters ranging from welfare benefits, money matters, consumer issues, affordable warmth, leisure activities and much more. Specialist welfare benefit advisers available and home visits for benefit applications subject to agreed criteria.Health and Community ServicesRange of health promotion activities including Thai Chi, swimming, walking and dancing. Range of reminiscence, craft and IT activities. Please note that not all these services operate in both Calderdale and Kirklees but information on what is available in each area can be given on request.Home from Hospital ServicePractical support for a short period when discharged from hospital. This includes shopping, light cleaning, laundry, collecting prescriptions and signposting to other services. This currently operates in Calderdale only.Day Care and Social ActivitiesSocial Day Care and Handicraft centres located throughout Calderdale and Kirklees regions. Referrals to these services are made via Social Services, self referral, or any other means for those wishing to pay privately or from individual budgets.Health and CommunityRange of community services including local link teams, active befriending, home safety, safe and warm. Please note that not all these services operate in both Calderdale and Kirklees but information on what is available in each area can be given on request.

Referral method

Self referral, organisational referral or referrals by friends and family.

This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 18 December 2024.