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Patient advice and liaison services (PALS) Broomfield Hospital

Contact us

About PALS

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible.

PALS also helps the NHS to improve services by listening to what matters to patients and their loved ones and making changes, when appropriate.


If there is a problem the best way to get it resolved is usually to tell someone there and then.

On a ward talk to the sister or charge nurse on duty.

In a clinic/department talk to the receptionist or a member of staff.

If you want to talk to a senior manager or to someone who has not been directly involved in your care and treatment we can usually arrange this straight away during office hours. You can also ask to speak to a member of the PALS department.

To find our contact details please visit


Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

This information was supplied by NHS website on 18 October 2024.