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Carer benefits and legal services Carers Oxfordshire

Contact us


The Carers Oxfordshire service aims to make it easier for carers, whatever their situation, to access information and support.

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.

Catchment area


Target group

Anyone who is a carer including parent carers or has an enquiry related to caring.

Further information

We deliver the Carers Oxfordshire service for the next 3/5 years, including: • a telephone, email and web-based information service, speaking directly to an experienced carer supporter, and providing information about benefits and entitlements, support services, carer’s breaks, emergency back-up, employment, looking after yourself, training opportunities to support you in your caring role and much more• Carer assessments, providing a personalised service focussed on support that’s right for you• an outreach support service - providing advice and support over the phone and face-to-face • a network of peer support groups• training opportunities in first aid, moving and handling and a 'Confidence 2 Care' programme • marketing - to raise the profile of carers, and caring, and enable carers to identify themselves

Referral method


This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 21 February 2025.