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Carers travel and transport Doncaster Community Transport

Contact us


Doncaster Community Transport provide DIAL-A-RIDE Service, DIAL-A-BUS Service and day trips for elderly, disabled people of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council.

All services are door to door. All users must be registered. There is also a hire vehicle service to Community Groups, Day Centres etc.

Opening times

8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday - Office Hours

Service Times:

7.30am - 5pm Monday

7.30am - 10pm Tuesday - Friday.

8am - 8pm Saturday.


All our vehicles have tail lifts for wheelchairs and scooters and all drivers are fully trained in how to deal with people who are infirm.

Catchment area


Target group

The elderly, disabled and their carers. Anyone who finds it difficult to use public transport due to their infirmity.

Referral method

We have a self registration procedure which is free, but passengers need to be registered in order to be able to book transport.

This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 21 February 2025.