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Alcohol Addiction support Hackney Young Person'S Substance Misuseservice

Contact us

Service details

If you have any questions about alcohol and drugs and don’t know who to ask – the Young Hackney Substance Misuse team can help.

Maybe you want to know about the effects of drugs, what to do if you feel under pressure to take drugs or drink, or how to help a friend you think might have a problem with drugs or alcohol. It’s a free and confidential service for anyone aged under 25.

We are also a non-judgemental and confidential service that supports and treats young people from 6 to 25 yrs of age who may be experiencing difficulties connected to the use of their parents / carers own use (sometimes known as parental substance misuse or hidden harm) . As well as any young person who may be criminally exploited being caught up in and coerced into selling drugs.

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am - 9pm

Catchment area

London Borough of Hackney And The City of London

Referral method

Self referral or via other agency

General notes

The address of this support service is private. However we engage with young people at their home, at schools/colleges and in the community where appropriate.

This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 12 July 2024.