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Carer centres and services Interact (Chelmsford) Limited

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Positive Mental Health Services - 'Supporting people's Emotional Wellbeing - Helping others to help themselves'

InterAct is developing more opportunities and courses to help you deal with everyday life stresses.

- Getting motivated and building resilience courses: to enhance confidence and social interaction for those experiencing common mental health problems and developing copying strategies to support changes & life's events.

- Positive Mental Health Awareness workshops to: increase mental health literacy and break down the stigma associated with mental health.

- Mental Health First Aid 2 day course: to preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves, and to provide help to prevent the mental health problems developing into a more serious state.

New products now available in Easy read version for adults with learning disability and Youth product for those working with/ caring for young people from age 11.

There is a regular walking group, that meets first Tuesday in the month, for anyone who wants to walk and talk, enhancing physical and mental wellbeing.

Opening times

9am - 5pm Monday - Friday


All services are operated on the ground floor.

Catchment area


Target group

General Public

This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 14 January 2025.