Carer centres and services Parkinson's UK Swindon and District Branch
Contact us
Grange Leisure Centre
Grange Drive
Swindon Parkinson’s provides friendship, emotional support, advice and signposting to those who can provide the appropriate help and support. In 2019, the Branch was awarded the prestigious HM The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services for services to the People of Swindon (the equivalent to an MBE for charities). The Branch has also receives the Mayors Pride of Swindon Award.
Free Coffee Morning
When: 10.00am – 12.00pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Venue: The Constituency Office of Justin Tomlinson MP North Swindon. Address: Customer Services Hub, Orbital Shopping Park, Thamesdown Drive, Swindon, SN25 4AN.
Join us for coffee, biscuits, information and a chat. Family and friends are welcome. For information contact: Kath Arnell on 07929 449923. Beverages and biscuits sponsored by ASDA Haydon Wick
Our 5 Day, 7 Option Exercise Programme
Because exercise is currently the only thing that helps delay the progression of Parkinson’s we offer a free Exercise Programme all promoted and encouraged by
Swindon Parkinson’s Services (SPARKS).:
Monday – Walking Football at the Supermarine Dome. We have an annual match for a trophy against SPARKS..
Tuesday – A Special Seated Class for those with difficulties standing (Designed by SPARKS Physiotherapists) 2 – 3pm and a Tai Chi Class 3.15 – 4.15pm. Both a
Grange Leisure.
Wednesday – Two Balance and Exercise Classes also (Designed by SPARKS Physiotherapists). At Grange Leisure. 2 – 3pm and 3 – 4pm.
Thursday – Tai Chi Class at the Swindon Therapy Centre for MS and Other
Neurological Conditions, West Swindon, 2 – 3pm.
Friday – Dance for Parkinson’s at the Swindon Therapy Centre for MS and Other Neurological Conditions, West Swindon, 2 – 3pm followed by tea, coffee and biscuits and a chat.
Respite Programme
Sadly, our popular free Respite Programme in support of our Carers to give them some ‘Me Time’ was a recent casualty of the current financial situation when our Provided Hop, Skip & Jump went into administration. It is our intention to attempt to find a new provided.
Social Events
When: Normally the last Friday of each month but may be on different days and times depending on type of event. They range from Skittles, Bingo, Games, talks of interest evenings to Pub Lunched, the very popular Christmas Lunch and outings to name but a few. Members receive flyers for each event and details are published in our newsletters and on our website.
Opening times
Usually last Friday of the month 7pm. Members will be notified by posted flyers or e-mail of any changes and check any information sent to them for changes of dates, times and venues.
Catchment area
Swindon and the wider Swindon area
Target group
All those affected by Parkinson's whether they are members of the Branch or of Parkinson’s UK, their families and their carers.
Referral method
This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 21 February 2025.