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Chlamydia screening for under 25s The Florey - Contraception And Sexual Health

Contact us

Opening times

Please note that the Florey Clinic has moved to a telephone triage system for patients who wish to access the service. If you would like a telephone consultation please call 0118 322 7202, choose option 4 and leave your details. All appointments are made via the Florey Clinic team. All calls we make are from withheld/private numbers, please ensure your phone accepts withheld numbers, this can be checked under the settings menu of your phone. The Trust operates a zero tolerance policy to aggression.

General notes

Public Health England has advised that there has been a recent increase in the number of people diagnosed with syphilis in the Berkshire area. Sexual Health/Genito-urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in the local area are advising people to be 'Syphilis Aware' and get tested and treated to stop the spread of infection.

Venue Type


Service details

Sexual Health Screening for people of all ages (including emergency contraception) and Contraception Services for women 25 years and under.

This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 21 February 2025.