Brook Sexual Health Service
Contact us
Description of service
- Screening for STIs, including chlamydia
- HIV testing, with same day testing (Monday to Wednesday)
- Follow-up care for people who are HIV positive
- Full sexual health screening and support after a sexual assault for both men and women
- Screening for Hepatitis A,B & C
- Hepatitis B accelerated vaccination programme (offered to those who may be at risk)
- Advice, support and reassurance
- PEP/SE (Post Exposure Prophylaxis Sexual Exposure)
- Quick Check Service
- Free condoms, dental dams and water-based lubricant
- Contraception services.
Useful links
View this service on the NAM aidsmap website
About NAM
NAM is one of the world’s leading sources of independent, accurate information on HIV and AIDS, with many years’ experience producing and delivering HIV information to support people affected by HIV and to inform the wider response to the epidemic.
We produce a wide range of patient information resources, supporting people throughout their lives in making informed decisions about their health and treatment, and helping them live longer, healthier lives. We also provide a comprehensive news service on issues relating to HIV, its treatment and living with HIV, and materials to support healthcare and other professionals working with HIV-positive people.
All these resources can be read and downloaded at
This information was supplied by NAM on 7 March 2025.