Diabetic eye screening Sheffield Diabetic Eye Screening Service
Contact us
275 Glossop Road
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
S10 2HB -
0114 226 5475
The address listed on this page is the location of the local screening service office, not a screening clinic.
The service delivers diabetic eye screening in a variety of locations throughout the area, including GP surgeries, hospitals and optician practices.
All people aged 12 and over with diabetes (type 1 and 2) are offered annual eye screening appointments.
The only exceptions are people with diabetic eye disease who are already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist.
The screening test usually takes around 30 minutes. Screening does not replace regular eye examinations and it is important to attend both.
This information was supplied by NHS Screening Programmes on 9 January 2025.
![NHS Screening Programmes](/services/viewer/assets/img/service_directories/GenericServiceDirectory/DES.png)