Somerset Drug & Alcohol Serivce (Sdas)
Contact us
Turning Point SDAS
3rd Floor, Maltravers House
Petters Way
BA20 1SH
Service details
Free, confidential support and treatment in Somerset for adults, children and families affected by their own or someone else's use of alcohol and other drugs.
Providing a range of support and treatment online, by telephone and across Somerset - both in the community and in our hubs in Taunton, Yeovil and Street.
Somerset Drug & Alcohol Service (SDAS) is delivered by Turning Point and commissioned by Somerset County Council.
Turning Point is a social enterprise which has over 50 years’ experience of providing support for people affected by mental health conditions, learning disabilities and people with drug and alcohol issues.
Opening times
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm.
24 hr phone line
Catchment area
Somerset County Council
Referral method
Call 0300 303 8788 or visit
This information was supplied by Serco Global Services on 9 December 2024.