Counselling for drug addiction Wcdas - Wandsworth Community Drug And Alcohol Service
Contact us
St John's Therapy Centre
162 St John's
Greater London
SW11 1SW
Service details
Update to Services Due to COVID-19 - The site at St John’s Therapy Centre will be staffed during usual business hours.
However, face-to-face contact will be extremely limited.
Ongoing keywork and psychology sessions will be via telephone or video call.
All groups have paused and we are looking to set up on-line groups in the coming weeks.
New assessments will be offered via telephone.
Services will be prioritising three essential elements of treatment:
• Opiate substitution therapy (methadone and buprenorphine prescribing)
• Needle Exchange
• Treatment of alcohol and GBL dependence
Other Services
Substance prescribing (Methadone, Subutex etc.)
-Relapse prevention prescribing
-Overdose training and naloxone dispensing
-Community detoxification and access to inpatient detoxification
-Alcohol treatment
-Specific clinic for pregnant drug and alcohol users
-Physical health check-ups and treatment
-Hepatitis A and B Vaccinations
-Hepatitis C testing and direct referral for treatment
-HIV testing
-Clinical and counselling psychology
-Psychosocial interventions including mapping, relapse prevention and motivational interviewing
-Late appointments for those who work
-Hosting of recovery meetings for AA
-Access to education, training and employment
-Access to group programmes
-Access to housing support
-RELEASE in-house advice surgery
Opening times
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri , 9.00am - 4.30pm , Wed 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Catchment area
Referral method
New assessments will be offered via telephone.
General notes
You can also visit the ‘We are with you’ website (, webchat for additional support between 5pm and 10pm.
This information was supplied by FRANK on 21 February 2025.