- Expressing breast milk
- Expressing by hand
- Expressing with a pump
- Feeding advice
- Storing breast milk
- Hints, tips and more help
Expressing with a pump
Breast pumps are designed to mimic your baby's sucking action.
There are 2 different types: electric and manual. With the manual type, you squeeze the plunger by hand, while the electric version does the work for you. Have a good read of the instructions and familiarise yourself with your pump before using it.
Make sure your pump and all the parts (bottles, valves, funnel etc) are clean and sterile before using them.
If your baby is in hospital because they are ill or premature, your midwife will help you clean and sterilise the equipment.
Manual breast pumps
If you're expressing with a manual breast pump, it will take a bit longer than if you're using an electric pump. The good thing about manual breast pumps is that they're cheaper, simple-to-use, lightweight, and quieter.
Here are some tips on expressing with a manual pump:
- Wash your hands. Make sure your pump, the bottle and parts are clean and sterile before use. Get comfy and relaxed – preferably in a warm, quiet room where you can relax undisturbed.
- Start by massaging your breast for a few minutes – this helps with the let-down reflex. It can help to look at a photo of your baby.
- Place the breast shield or funnel over your nipple, and slowly start to pump. It may take a few minutes before your milk starts flowing.
- Switch breasts when your milk starts slowing down. Then swap back again as you may find you have more milk to express. You may find that one breast produces more milk than the other – this is normal.
- Once you've emptied both breasts, remove the breast shield, and put a lid (make sure it's screwed on properly) on the bottle. You can either refrigerate it straight away, or leave it out at room temperature for no more than 4 to 6 hours.
- Wash and sterilise the pump and parts.

Electric breast pumps
If you're using an electric breast pump, start slowly with the suction on the lowest setting. The advantage of using an electric breast pump is that it does the work for you, and takes less time than manual breast pumps.
Here are some tips on expressing with an electric pump:
- Wash your hands. Make sure the pump, bottle and parts are clean and sterile before use. Get comfy and relaxed – preferably in a warm, quiet room where you can relax undisturbed.
- Start by massaging your breast for a few minutes – this helps with the let-down reflex. It can help to look at a photo of your baby.
- Place the breast shield or funnel over your nipple, and switch the machine on. Start with a slow speed – or one that is comfortable for you. It may take a few minutes before your milk starts flowing, once it does you can increase the speed.
- Switch breasts when your milk starts slowing down. Then swap back again as you may find you have more milk to express. You may find that one breast produces more milk than the other – this is normal.
- Once you've emptied both breasts, remove the breast shield, and put a lid on the bottle. You can either refrigerate it straight away, or leave it out at room temperature for no more than 4 to 6 hours.
- Wash and sterilise the pump and parts.

Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life
The Breastfeeding Friend, a digital tool from Start for Life, has lots of useful information and expert advice to share with you – and because it's a digital tool, you can access it 24/7.
Help and support
For confidential breastfeeding information and support, call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.
Lines are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.