Mixed feeding challenges
Whether you want to introduce formula feeds or restart breastfeeding, introducing a new feeding method can take a while to get used to.
Try to be patient and allow time to feel comfortable with the change in routine.
Milk supply
Introducing bottle feeds may reduce the amount of breast milk you produce, as there will be longer gaps between breastfeeding.
These gaps signal to your body that less milk is needed, especially during the first 6 to 8 weeks of breastfeeding.
If possible, try to allow enough time to establish breast feeding before introducing bottle feeds.
If you want to increase your breast milk, have a look the tips on adjusting your milk supply.
Mastitis is usually caused when the milk in your breast builds up faster than it's being removed. This creates a blockage in your milk ducts known as "milk stasis".
Mastitis makes your breast tissue feel swollen, hot and painful to touch. You may also have red patches, although redness can be harder to see on brown and black skin.
Sometimes the inflammation turns into an infection. Mastitis can make you feel achy and run down, with flu-like symptoms or a fever.
My baby won't take the bottle
It may take your baby a while to get used to the feel of the teat, so they may not take to the bottle immediately.
It's best to try bottle feeding when your baby is calm and happy. Babies are less likely to take to something new if they are tired or hungry.
Find out more about introducing your baby to bottle feeding.
Help and support
National Breastfeeding Helpline
For confidential breastfeeding information and support, call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.
Lines are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life
The Breastfeeding Friend has lots of useful information and expert advice to share with you – and because it's a digital tool, you can access it 24/7.