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Fruity porridge recipe

A deliciously creamy warm breakfast with added fruit. If you're making this for children over 5 years, simply swap to lower-fat milks and yoghurts.

Age: 10 to 12 months

Prep: 5 mins

Cook: 5 mins

Portions: 1


  • 2 tbsp (20g) porridge oats
  • 120ml full-fat milk
  • 1/4 medium banana
  • 10g frozen berries
  • 1tsp plain full-fat yoghurt


  1. Put the porridge oats and milk into a saucepan. Heat up, stirring constantly, until the porridge thickens. Then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring until the oats are cooked.

  2. Slice the banana into finger-sized sticks.

  3. Information:

    Stir the blueberries into the porridge and heat through until completely soft.

  4. Add a little more milk if your baby prefers it a little runnier.

  5. Pour the porridge into a bowl, add the yogurt and serve with the banana sticks.

Weaning tip

Try giving your baby a spoon so they can practice feeding themselves. It's messy so use a bib and a messy mat for easier cleaning!