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Lion Health

2 Lowndes Road, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 3SS

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Displaying 31 to 40 of 51

  1. Review titled Appalling Service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 04 January 2023

    Appalling service. Cancel appointments without notification. New one made and they have now cancelled that and tried to fob me off elsewhere. I am deaf so cannot ring and am sick of them telling me to ring phone numbers - they are not disability friendly at all and are failing the Dda. I cannot make a complaint as that section of the website is currently not working - probably because they are getting so many! This used to be an excellent surgery but is not totally unfit for purpose.

    Visited January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 05 January 2023

    Dear Patient, Thank you for your recent feedback. I'm sorry for your appointments being cancelled however without leaving your name we wouldn't be able to look into the reasonings behind this. As you have alluded to we do have the facility to message us through the LH website and we have not been notified that it is not working. We do also offer a accessibility standards request form through our website to ensure all our patients who have an enquiry or appointment request can be assisted. Again, apologies. Kind Regards, LH

    Report as unsuitable

  2. Review titled Need to pull their socks up!

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Graham Errington - Posted on 18 April 2023

    The last 3/4 repeat prescriptions I have had a problem every time! Either very slow in issuing to the chemist (in the same building) the last time because I'd previously had problems I asked at the desk, my consultant at the hospital had added a medication and it wasn't on my repeat form, so I wrote it on myself but checked with the desk that it was on my medication record and that the doctor would be able to issue the repeat with my other meds, they said yes that will be OK so I left the form in the box, guess what? It wasn't there! To my mind repeat prescriptions are straightforward they just need to be signed by a doctor and that shouldn't take more than 24/48 hours with modern technology but regularly takes much longer! There is room for improvement imo

    Visited January 2023

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 21 April 2023

    Dear Graham, We are sorry that you have had problems with your repeat prescriptions. We do look at actioning repeat prescriptions as quick as possible however as outlined on our website repeat prescriptions are issued 72 hours (3 Working days) after receipt of patients request to the practice, from their pharmacy or online. Also urgent requests must be submitted via our website or bringing requests down to reception by 14:00 to be processed the same day. We apologise that your experience has been frustrating and we will share this information with the relevant teams. Kindest Regards, LH Kindest Regards, LH

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  3. Review titled Very poor

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Denise lawson - Posted on 13 March 2023

    In January I tried to book an appointment because I was in such pain with an ear infection. As usual I was 176 in line and there were no appointments left. I went to my friends doctor in Ludlow where I was added temporarily to their surgery and seen within 20 minutes. They confirmed that my ear was badly infected and gave me a prescription. Why o why is this not possible at lion health. It used to be such a lovely surgery when it was at Worcester street.

    Visited January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 14 March 2023

    Dear patient, We are sorry to hear you were unsuccessful in obtaining the appointment you required at the time of your feedback. Once our capacity for the day was reached, our care navigator teams would have advised the alternative options that you could have tried for treatment. One of which may have been the NHS 111 service or Out of hours, which may have been appropriate for your concern. Please be assured we do offer hundreds of appointments per day across all our clinical professionals and allied staff, and try to inform patients of their options if we do not have any GP appointments bookable the same day. We do offer advance booking both on the telephone and online, however appointments are a finite resource and there will always be a limit to this at some point if demand exceeds capacity- which is often the case. We work hard to make changes and improvements in response to feedback from patients where possible and appropriate. Regards LH

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  4. Review titled Upsetting Experience

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 09 December 2022

    I have had trouble getting appointments at lion health previously but always consoled myself with the knowledge that once you got to see a doctor they were lovely and kind. However I can no longer do that after my awful experience this morning . From the beginning the doctor appeared annoyed because I didn't hear my name over the tannoy ( even after the receptionist told him it wasn't working and I apologised, although what I was apologising for I have no idea as I couldn't have heard it ) . Once in his surgery he appeared in a rush ,exasperated with me when he asked me questions and I wanted to check dates before I answered him , resulting in me getting confused, upset and walking out in the end because of his rudeness. I have no doubt the advice he gave me is probably correct but I felt like an inconvenience not a patient . I realise the doctor's there must be under enormous pressure and i can sympathise but when your ill you just want someone to talk to who cares or at least gives you that impression.

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 15 December 2022

    Dear patient, Thankyou for your feedback- we are sorry to hear you were upset at your recent interaction with the surgery. This would never be anybody's intention and I am sure the Doctor concerned would be disappointed to learn that you were upset by this. Obviously without specific information we are not able to look at this occasion specifically- but please feel free to leave us some feedback through our website if you wish with your details and we would be happy to look into for you. We would always try to ensure that any issues with equipment (such as the tannoy system) are communicated adequately and apologise that this wasn't your experience. This is absolutely not the experience we would want any of our patients to have and apologise for any undue angst this caused. Kindest regards, LH

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  5. Review titled Poor service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 09 December 2022

    Having tried to book an appointment yet again to see a doctor I was only offered a telephone consultation for next week, this is not the first time that this has happened, and why are they asking for more patients when they can’t see the patients they have got????????

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 14 December 2022

    Dear Anonymous, Thank you for your recent feedback, unfortunately appointments are a finite resource and the demand is extremely high bit we do pool our staff at peak times to ensure the telephone lines are answered as quickly and efficiently possible. We do offer various ways to book an appointment, this can be by telephone when our appointments line opens at 0800, or we also offer online pre-bookable appointments at various times: 0730 for same day appointments 0755 for for 1 week in advance 1900 for next day appointments. As you may appreciate these are extremely popular and are taken very quickly. Thank you again for your feedback. Kindest Regards, LH

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  6. Review titled Great GP's, poor front end service

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Mandy Jones - Posted on 14 December 2022

    I have always had a positive experience with any GP at this practice and my last consultation was no different. The problem is getting through to the surgery and getting an appointment. I do use online booking which is much easier but the appointments are limited and you have to be quick. The telephone answer message which apologises for the delay due to sickness has been on the phone for at least 2 months. This practice obviously needs more front end/admin staff to deal with the amount of patients and until this happens I do not feel anything will change. I called on Monday 12th at 08.10 and there were 144 in the queue! I recently paid for a blood pressure test because the one I had at the practice hadn't been uploaded onto the system and i was advised the next appointment was nit available until 20th December! I needed this check so the GP would release my prescription which I had already been waiting 2 weeks for. Booked a fit note online as advised by reception staff last Wednesday and still still not recieved it so looks like yet another visit to the surgery to chase this as its pointless trying to phone. So sad as Worcester Street was an amazing surgery, I am seriously considering changing to another GP due to the repeated poor experience

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 15 December 2022

    Dear patient, Thankyou for your feedback. We are sorry to hear you had a poor experience in obtaining an appointment recently, and have been frustrated by this. As you mention, we would recommend trying to utilise online booking wherever possible as this is most efficient for our patients as there is no queue. We endeavour to answer phone calls as quickly as possible, however there are very often a large number of patients in the queue on the phonelines (particularly in the mornings) and our team work hard to answer the calls and deal with queries efficiently. We have conducted a number of pieces of work examining our capacity and demand, and within the constraints of the current climate, we try to deliver a good service- but appreciate this can be frustrating when the wait is elongated and patients perceive there are few appointments. As is the case across the whole NHS, we remain impacted greatly by a number of factors, including but not limited to, staff sickness- and do our best to manage this on a daily basis. Obviously without your details I cannot try to look into the specific issues you note around issue of a FIT note- however if you contact us through the website the team will be happy to look into this for you- this may be most efficient for you. Kind regards, LH

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  7. Review titled Data information on calls

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Mrs Brown - Posted on 19 December 2022

    After reading many reviews, the main problem seems to be all appointments are taken, so as a patient, I would like to know and I expect others would too, what is the overall majority age group of all these appointments being taken for the day? Because most working people wouldn't be allowed to sit on the phone for an hr, waiting for an appointment at 8am. If it is mainly people, who are not working and it isn't urgent to be seen on the day, then why doesn't Lion health start a much more fairer priority system of 30 minutes; 8am-8:30am for those who don't have all day to make appointments and those with more flexible hours, are encouraged to ring after that time. Most people can be identified by their number discreetly, based on a landline or mobile. A trial run of this, wouldn't be impossible and maybe you might get fewer complaints from your patients.

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 20 December 2022

    Dear Mrs Brown, Thank you for your feedback. After extensive work we have made changes over the last 6 months to improve access for our patients to gain an appointment, taking in various considerations from patient and staff feedback. We also feel that Lion Health all patients should expect to be treated with dignity and respect and will not be discriminated against on any grounds including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. If you are having problems obtaining an appointment our website the Lion Health website explains the various ways and times a patient can book an appointment. Kindest Regards LH

    Report as unsuitable

  8. Review titled Poor service - completely unfit for purpose!

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Jennifer Anne Nock - Posted on 14 December 2022

    When I rang for an appointment yesterday (13th Dec) at 08.00am sharp, I was 156th in the queue! When I finally got through after 75 minutes there was no appointments left, and I couldn't book one for another day, or even speak to anyone who might help me. This is not the first time this has happened. You are just fobbed off with 'ring 111'. This practice is completely unfit for purpose. And, judging by the many negative comments about its service, it doesn't seem to care about patient feedback nor do anything to address the issues of concern. I did ring 111 today after yet another fruitless attempt to speak to a doctor. I received emergency treatment near my holiday home in the South West and was advised to make a formal complaint about the lack of care at my home practice. I've recently had a blood test and an e-ray but could not make an appointment today to speak to a doctor to discuss the results, which he advised me only last week I should do as a matter of urgency. Grammatical note: the answering service tries (in vain) to 'reassure' you that there are 'multiple' people answering the phones at all times. The term 'multiple' has traditionally been used for items that are in effect copies of one another. So, unless the people who answer the phones at the practice are clones of each other, then the message should perhaps refer to 'many', 'several' or even 'numerous' people answering the phone at all times. Sorry, to be pedantic about this!

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 16 December 2022

    Thankyou for your feedback. We are sorry to hear you had a poor experience in trying to obtain an appointment recently, and have been frustrated by this. We try to deliver a good service however as you can understand with being 156th in the call queue the demand on not just on our services but the demand on the NHS is high and appointments are a finite resource, but we do pool our staff in the mornings to ensure phone calls are answered as quickly and efficiently as possible. We would recommend trying to utilise our online booking where possible as there is no queue and these can be accessed through the NHS App and patient access. All patient feedback and it is greatly appreciated and taken on board and we have made changes where possible, including the recent changes we made to the appointment system and all the various ways a patient can gain an appointment. Obviously without your details I cannot try to look into the specific issues - however if you contact us through the website the team will be happy to look into this for you- this may be most efficient for you. Kindest Regards, LH

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  9. Review titled Cancelling appointments

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Sarah Louise Owen - Posted on 05 December 2022

    Sorry but this is not about the surgery but about patient access. I tried to cancel an appointment for today. It would not let me. I did fill a form in on the website but not sure when this gets seen. Plus I could not see any appointments at 7.30 on patient access this morning. I went on 2 minutes before and continued to refresh as I always do until that days appointments come up but nothing did. Please note this is not a complaint. Kind regards Sarah Owen

    Visited December 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 07 December 2022

    Dear Sarah, Thank you for your recent feedback. We will certainly look into feeding into patient access that appointments aren't always showing up. We would also recommend using the NHS App to try to gain a pre-bookable appointment. Kind Regards, LH

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  10. Review titled Positive experience

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by A Dwyer - Posted on 23 November 2022

    I'd like to leave my review to say thank you to those involved in my care during August and November. I am a rare visitor to Lion Health and felt it has a bad reputation for getting through/booking an appointment, however from my last two experiences I absolutely cannot fault. I have been able to get through in a reasonable time and my needs dealt with as necessary. Pleasant receptionists and compassionate Gp's providing the care I required. Thank you.

    Visited November 2022

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    Review titled Lion Health

    Replied on 02 December 2022

    Dear A Dwyer, Thank you very much for your recent feedback and it is very much appreciated. It has been a challenging time and we feel it is so important that all our patients feel that they can get in touch and have all the needs dealt with. We will pass on your compliments to the staff here at Lion Health as it will be greatly received as all the hard work that the staff put in is for the care of our patients. Kindest Regards, Lion Health

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