Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Great Western Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 3NNContact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
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Review titled Compassionate and caring team
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Helen Acock - Posted on 09 August 2023
I had a hysteroscopy 9/08/23 in the womens centre outpatients. The health care assistant welcomed me and made me feel more relaxed. Consultant and Registrar explained everything, again really caring which reduces any anxieties. Lovely nursing team of 3 who could not have been kinder. Communication during the procedure was excellent and meant that I was fully aware of what was happening at each stage. A fantastic team and my deepest thanks to you all.
Visited Gynaecology on August 2023
Review titled Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Replied on 11 August 2023
Thank you very much for your feedback - I will forward this onto the staff who will be delighted
Provided by Care opinion
Review titled Kindly treated
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Simon Thomas Broad - Posted on 15 September 2023
I was in hospital for almost 4 weeks. I became familiar with the Cardiac CCU ward. Each and every member of staff nursed me through a very distressing time; always positive and respectful. I am retired now but spent 45 years in the Hotel and Hospitality industry. I fully appreciated the meals served 3 times each day; once adding a pinch of salt I found that the meals were generally delicious and varied
Visited Cardiology on August 2023
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Great practice
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Ryan Charles - Posted on 10 August 2023
All staff polite down to earth and efficient. Got straight to the bottom of my problem that's been causing me pain. I feel like I'm wasting peoples time when I go to the hospital but they made me feel like I was no trouble thank you
Visited Emergency Abdominal Surgery on August 2023
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Considerate and consistent
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Simon Thomas Broad - Posted on 18 September 2023
I knew from a previous cardiac event that I needed emergency assistance. It was Thursday 3 August 2023 at 6am when my daughter phoned for an ambulance and 15 minutes later the paramedics arrived. In very little time we arrived at Gloucester Royal. A short time passed before being transferred to Cardiology. I felt that I was in the best place with trained professionals. A few days later I was taken to Cheltenham General for an angiogram and a week later to John Radcliffe for an MRI. Another week passed before having angioplasty and one more day later I was discharged. In all I spent almost a month being cared for and genuinely treated as an individual by all members of staff. I have written a poem to express my gratitude and love for the NHS To each and every one of you in CCU I send a heartfelt 'thank you' from side room two Having stayed for quite a while I became used to being woken with a reassuring smile As each day passed into yet another Whatever I asked for was never any bother You treated me with care respect and humility Every day until I was able to go So I simply want you to know I am fully aware That you are still there Working your shifts diligently Helping more patients as you did for me Thank God for angels like you For without you what would we do. Thank you so much Simon
Visited Cardiology on August 2023
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Shocking wait times
Rated 1 star out of 5
by Anonymous - Posted on 08 August 2023
Visited Tatu ward 3b several times, on one occasion waited nearly 8 hours to be seen and treatment administered. Absolutely shocking, poor time management, no organisation, lack of communication, no thought to patients sitting uncomfortably all that time. Only one nurse who wasn’t on that day who runs it like clockwork with barely any delays. As I type in stuck here yet again, simply waiting for blood results and to see the doctor. Been here 3 hours now. It seeems that this department is sent far too many patients from A&E when they should be treated down there. Gloucester hospital pull your socks up and maybe less money spending on cladding and more on staff and care.
Visited Orthopaedics on August 2023
Review titled Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Replied on 11 August 2023
Thank you for taking the time to feedback to us and I am sorry to read about y our experience. The TATU department is a very busy one and delays can occur in the unit because of demand on services elsewhere. For example, it can sometimes take a long time for blood results to come back from the lab because of the number of samples that they receive. I will pass your comments on to the department to see if there is anything they can do to make the wait a little less stressful and more comfortable.
Provided by Care opinion
Review titled First Class Service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Moira Stevens - Posted on 09 July 2023
My husband recently, was admitted to the hospital via a 999 call. He has advanced Dementia and is non verbal. The care and understanding we received from the paramedics, the Pit Stop, Emergency and Acute medical ward and ward 9b, over a six day period, was exemplary! Given the horrendous conditions they have to work in in the A and E department, I applaud them all. I was so impressed with their professionalism and have nothing but the highest admiration and heartfelt thanks to each and every one of them.
Visited Accident and emergency services on July 2023
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled Could not fault this Service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Debbie - Posted on 13 July 2023
I had an Endoscopy today. Could not fault this Service from start to finish. I was very nervous and the Nurse put me at ease . It was very straight forward and the care I received was second to none . Well done
Visited Gastrointestinal and Liver services on July 2023
Review titled Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Replied on 11 August 2023
thank you for taking the time to feedback to us about your experience which I am delighted to read was 'second to none'. I will forward your comments onto the department.
Provided by Care opinion
Review titled Fantastic service
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by Sue Ireland - Posted on 01 September 2023
I was referred under the 2 week skin cancer plan. My skin condition was treated on site and skin care advice given. I found the service highly professional, kind, caring and dedicated. I was contacted 2 weeks later by the health professional. I cannot rate this service high enough. With all the challenges the NHS is facing I was so impressed by the care given. Thank you so much.
Visited Dermatology on July 2023
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has not yet replied.
Review titled amazing staff
Rated 4 stars out of 5
by Laura Atkinson - Posted on 18 June 2023
I was referred to gynaecology from my gp after I experienced pain and she couldn’t find my iud. By the time I got to hospital I was screaming in complete agony, the worst pain I’ve ever felt. It’s all a bit of a blur the order of events but can honestly say that every single staff member who looked after me, examined me, scanned me, the surgeon, nurses, drs were all incredible, lovely helpful and thoughtful. I wish I could name specific people in this review because they made the world of difference, ensuring I had pain relief and felt comfortable and got me in for surgery asap, although an awful experience due to the pain, everyone in gynae (I was on floor 9a) were incredible. My surgeon and anaesthetist was lovely too. I was concerned as Im breastfeeding my baby and they were so understanding with allowing her to stay in hospital with me and allowing me to feed before going down for surgery and advising me on how best to after surgery etc. A huge, heartfelt thank you to you all.
Visited Gynaecology on June 2023
Review titled Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Replied on 19 June 2023
Feedback like this really lifts our spirits and so thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience. I will forward your comments to the staff on 9A who will be delighted to read what a difference they made for you. Hopefully, you are on the mend now and able to fully enjoy your baby.
Provided by Care opinion
Review titled great experience
Rated 5 stars out of 5
by colin william hampson - Posted on 02 June 2023
I had both endoscopy and colonoscopy afternoon of 1st June 2023 and was delighted with my treatment by the doctor carrying out the examination and the nurse assisting him. The doctor had a great bedside manner and was friendly and communitive as was the nurse with him. The nurse filling in the reception paperwork carrying out some preliminary tests and helping me with my cloths was also delightful. All the other nurses I came into contact with were great putting me at ease at the beginning explaining the completion report and making me cups of tea at the end Thanks to all concerned Colin
Visited Diagnostic Endoscopy on June 2023
Review titled Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Replied on 19 June 2023
Colin Thank you for taking the time to feedback your experience which I am delighted to read was excellent.
Provided by Care opinion
Information supplied by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust