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West Mendip Community Hospital

Old Wells Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8JD

Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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Displaying 11 to 19 of 19

  1. Review titled Thank you

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by David - Posted on 22 June 2023

    I wasn't aware of this feedback facility until now, so my comment is a little late. The end piece of my hearing aid became detached and lost in my ear. I cannot speak highly enough of the care I received. I had to wait to be seen for a while, perfectly reasonable. When I was called, the nurse was gentle, kind and dealt with the issue quickly. Thank you to everyone.

    Visited General Medicine on May 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled West Mendip Community Hospital

    Replied on 27 June 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to send this lovely feedback. I am pleased that the staff were able to retrieve your hearing aid without too much trauma. I will pass on your comments to the team in West Mendip hospital Kind Regards Hannah

    Report as unsuitable

    Provided by Care opinion

  2. Review titled Caring service

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Jenny Jones - Posted on 06 April 2023

    Thank you to all in the MIU, especially the ENP who put my shoulder back in. This saved me a long, painful journey to MPH.

    Visited Urgent care centre on April 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled West Mendip Community Hospital

    Replied on 17 April 2023

    Thank you for your lovely feedback, I will make sure the team are made aware. I hope you are on the mend Kind Regards Hannah Coleman

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  3. Review titled Amazing member of staff

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Stephanie Puddy - Posted on 21 March 2023

    Ref Saturday 18th March 12.00-3.00. I was seen very quickly by a health carer, I was very distressed worried that I had a clot behind my right knee, he observed that my muscle was loose and not tight, my leg wasn’t red and swollen, and within minutes he put my mind at rest. He had a lovely easy manner and was comforting, I would like this noted please if possible as he is an asset to the already great West Mendip Hospital. Thank you .

    Visited General Medicine on March 2023

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    West Mendip Community Hospital has not yet replied.

  4. Review titled Kind and reassuring

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 06 March 2023

    A big thank you to the nurses who looked after me on Thursday 2nd March early a.m. when I came in with a blip following recent surgery. They were kind, caring and reassuring. While they were organising an ambulance to take me to Musgrove Park they ensured I was never left alone and made sure I was well supplied with sweet tea and biscuits! I can't praise them highly enough. My grateful thanks to them.

    Visited Don't know on March 2023

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    West Mendip Community Hospital has not yet replied.

  5. Review titled Really disappointed

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Ashleigh crossland - Posted on 01 January 2023

    So I went into the minor injury unit, as I am staying just up the road and it’s the nearest hospital. I suffer with chronic asthma and was suffering wit burning chest pains and wheezing. I was worrying I had pneumonia so I took my self down. There was only about 5 people in the waiting room but waiting two hours with bad breathing. I then got take in by what I assume is a triage nurse or something. I cannot explain how rude she was and made me feel so sad and uncomfortable. The second she came in she said take ur jacket off so I did and just put it in the bed. She then said in a rude manner why have you just done that that’s a clean sanitised bed whilst sighing at me clearly frustrated. I said I’m sorry I didn’t mean to and didn’t know. She then went on to say there was nothing wrong with me and I’m in the Same boat as everyone else as shouldn’t have come to a&e. I told her that I have been hospitalised numerous times with my asthma and it’s not a joke I have to get to a hospital asap or if it’s bad my lips turn blue. She made me feel like I didn’t matter at all. I didn’t feel like she looked after my properly and I felt very uncomfortable. So then the next nurse came in she was more polite but said she couldn’t hear a wheeze in my chest and said she was only goin to give me steroids and no antibiotics. They sent me home. And since I’ve been back I’ve deteriated massively my chest is wheezing louder than ever I can barely breath. I have suffered my whole life with asthma I know my condition and to be made to feel yesterday like there was nothing wrong me and they were making me feel like I was wasting their time. I’m not going to lie but pretty disgusted. Worst way I’ve ever been treated at a hospital. If I go in to any other a&e they rush me straight in because it’s asthma. But they really weren’t bothered about me. I won’t ever be recommending this place to anyone. I understand the nhs is struggling at the moment but you do not need to be rude to patients.

    Visited Don't know on December 2022

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    West Mendip Community Hospital has not yet replied.

  6. Review titled Senior Nurse in wrong profession

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 04 November 2022

    I was told buy my doctor over the phone to go to A&E because I was experiencing chest pains, I went to shepton hospital and they said they were closed and I would have to go to Glastonbury so I travelled Glastonbury following the directions for Glastonbury A&E on my sat nav . On arrival I spoke to the receptionist and was told to take a seat and wait , a few minutes later a nurse came to collect me and took me into to an examination room she took some details did a ECG and then we were joined by a senior Nurse who sprayed something under my tongue and gave me a tablet to chew . No information was forthcoming from the senior nurse as to what the medication was for until I asked . I was the left by the nurses who said I had to wait for the ECG . After a while the senior nurse came back into the room to say the ECG was ok, I asked if I could go and she said that I would have to go to Yeovil A&E department to have bloods done as Glastonbury was not an A&E it was a minor injuries department and I shouldn't have come to Glastonbury, after she said this I said I was sorry I didn't realise Glastonbury wasn't an A&E she said" really you did know this " like I was lying or stupid, so after being spoken down to and argued with she left the examination room and proceed to tell my wife off for bring me there. First off arguing with someone with chest pain isn't the right thing to do if I was having a heart attack thing my have turned out very different and secondly telling my wife off in the corridor when she was worried about me in front of other staff is not something I would expect from a senior nurse in a caring profession.

    Visited Don't know on November 2022

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    Review titled West Mendip Community Hospital

    Replied on 10 November 2022

    I am so sorry that your visit to West Mendip Minor Injury Unit did not meet your expectations, I totally understand that the messages to patients as to which services are appropriate for their condition can be misinterpreted or appear confusing. I also am sorry that the nurse that saw you appeared less than sympathetic. I can't tell from the post which day you attended the unit, however if you would like to call me on 01458836471 I am very happy to discuss your comments and feed these back to the team. I am also going to email the local GP practice managers and that request that the GP are more explicit in their signposting to appropriate services. Please do call me if you would like to talk through points raised in my reply. I hope that you are now fully recovered

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    Provided by Care opinion

  7. Review titled Caring and considerate

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 16 November 2022

    Despite being a busy unit they cannot be faulted. The receptionist will come out from behind the plastic so that you can talk without the speaker system and everyone around knowing your business! Despite the long wait to be seen, the lovely nurses ensure you are not made to feel like an inconvenience or are wasting their time. I really appreciated their care. Many thanks.

    Visited Urgent care centre on October 2022

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    Review titled West Mendip Community Hospital

    Replied on 24 November 2022

    Thank you for taking the time to give us this lovely feedback. I will make sure that the staff in West Mendip hospital see your comments. I hope you are feeling better. Kind Regards Hannah Coleman

    Report as unsuitable

    Provided by Care opinion

  8. Review titled Sincere thanks for my care, now and all the times before

    by bravopy48 - Posted on 18 July 2022

    Just wanted to show my appreciation for the kindness, care and professionalism I received today at the minor injuries unit. It was a minor injury which the nurse re-dressed and sent me on my way, happy and even uplifted that there were these lovely people there to have our backs when needed health-wise. And since you present the opportunity, I'd like to extend my gratitude to all the NHS staff who have been there in episodes of my treatment and care. After a lifetime of excellent health I'm now at an age where interventions are a bit more frequent and I am deeply grateful for the skill and kindness, they have always shown. Many thanks.

    Visited July 2022

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    Provided by Care opinion

    West Mendip Community Hospital has not yet replied.

  9. Review titled Rude receptionist/nurse

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 22 July 2022

    Myself and my partner arrived just before 9 and west mendip hospital for minor injuries due to cellulitis on his hand and swelling, at this point we were unaware due to lack of signs that it was shut, as someone was leaving we manage to enter the building when a rude member of your team shouted we are closed from across the room! She had no empathy or patience I’m surprised she works for the nhs! She could explained calm that they were closed, I work in the nhs and would never speak to someone in such a rude manner, We apologised as we didn’t know, I then asked her where the nearest place was and proceeded to explained what the issue was. She said all minor injuries were closed bluntly I said so where can we go again, due to masks and screen I couldn’t quite hear so I confirmed so we can either come back tomorrow at 8am or go to Yeovil a&e for clarification then she shouted we are closed! Made myself and my partner feel like we were in the wrong and really put us down. On a plus note maybe a sign of opening house should be more clear and large! For someone that lives in Glastonbury i won’t ever personally step foot in there again I’d drive to Shepton. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life. As people were watching and listening. Il look forward to your response.

    Visited Urgent care centre on July 2022

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    West Mendip Community Hospital has not yet replied.

Information supplied by Somerset NHS Foundation Trust