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Eastbourne District General Hospital

Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD

Contact details and Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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Displaying 61 to 70 of 83

  1. Review titled Surgery

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 10 February 2023

    I recently had gynaecological surgery and my experience was very positive. Well organised from the moment of arrival. The surgeon, anesthetist and nurses were very kind and very understanding. The surgeon was incredibly accommodating about my treatment requests, which I am very grateful for. After surgery, the nurses checked on me very regularly and I felt very safe and well looked after. I was a bit anxious that I could not have a family member with me, due to COVID policies, but I actually found the staff were so kind it was easy to manage. The only thing I think could be better is the information given in writing upon discharge - the discharge letter could contain more information, such as how long to wear the surgical stockings for or how to treat the wounds, when you can have a shower, etc. It would also be helpful to have a report with information in depth about the surgery. But, overall, a very good experience.

    Visited Gynaecology on January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 26 May 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to provide such lovely feedback following your gynaecology procedure. We appreciate that coming in to hospital to have surgery is an anxious time for a patient, so we were reassured and pleased to learn that staff put you at ease and made you feel well cared for. Your feedback on how we can improve the service we provide to our patients on discharge is valuable and will be shared along with your positive comments. We hope you have made a full recovery following your surgery.

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  2. Review titled signage

    Rated 4 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 26 January 2023

    I have always understood that good signage is critical in a hospital to assist patients and staff in finding where they are to attend. I was dismayed by the new signs in the main entrance, which helpfully say green zone on a green background without detailing which departments can be found in the green zone, etc. I discovered the key list at the side of the foyer on my return from the phlebotomy department. This list is not clear to read from the entrance, phlebotomy particularly, as it can be obscured by anyone sitting on the chairs in front of the list. Entering a hospital can be a very anxious experience for people, surely the trust could have found a better system to assist patients, staff, visitors and volunteers accessing the building. I wonder just how much was spent on this new, unhelpful, system and why. I have not experienced this difficulty in other hospitals in the Uk.

    Visited Don't know on January 2023

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Thank you for taking to time to provide feedback on our signage at Eastbourne District General Hospital. We agree that good signage is critical in a hospital environment and will share your comments with our Estates and Facilities Team.

    Report as unsuitable

  3. Review titled Keep up the good work

    by crickethp67 - Posted on 10 January 2023

    I had my colonoscopy at D&G today and was treated with so much respect . I was told what they were doing every step of the way and was told to let them know if I was in to much pain or I wanted them to stop . The lovely nurse was rubbing my arm all the way through the procedure. When it was over the doctor explained what he had done and seen I was taken to recovery and given tea and biscuits and a nurse came and explained everything to me again showing pictures and explained a copy will go to my GP and biopsy’s results are 4-6 weeks. Can’t thank them enough for there great care and respect Keep up the good work your one in a million [Unsure about 'Being listened to'] [Unsure about 'Explanations'] [Unsure about 'Other staff']

    Visited January 2023

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    Provided by Care opinion

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Thank for your lovely comments following your colonoscopy at Eastbourne District General Hospital. The Trust strives to provide a high standard of care to all patients and so we were delighted to read that you were treated with respect and compassion, as this underpins our core values. We were also reassured that you were communicated with throughout your procedure. We will ensure your generous feedback is shared with the staff and send you our very best wishes.

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  4. Review titled First class care

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by Oli - Posted on 09 January 2023

    I went A & E in the afternoon with a tightness in my chest which I suspected to be a heart attack & was later confirmed, having already experienced a cardiac arrest I was seen fairly quickly & after some tests I was in operation for my second stent, the time between my entry & operation was exceptional considering the hospital was having to take in patients from further away due to the strikes. It was considered to move me to another hospital due to the capacity issues but because of the snow being so bad they decided to keep me here. Despite these restrictions I never once felt I received anything but the very best care & solutions were always found to any issue. The staff clearly went above & beyond as a standard, having to look after a full ward which even had workman carrying out their jobs as well was made to look easy. While all the staff were working hard they was always friendly & willing to help, as much with keeping up people's spirits in hard times as well as the medical care they're providing.

    Visited Cardiology on December 2022

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    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Dear Oli, Thank you for taking the time to leave such lovely feedback following your admission to the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital which resulted in a stent operation. The Trust works very hard to provide a high standard of care for all patient in what continues to be challenging times, as so we are delighted to read that you had such a positive experience at what was clearly a worrying and difficult time for you having suffered a cardiac arrest. It was pleasing to read that staff excelled in their duty of care with reflects our values of respect and compassion and we will share your feedback with the staff as they want to know how pleased you were with the care you received. We hope you are keeping well.

    Report as unsuitable

  5. Review titled Not acceptable

    Rated 2 stars out of 5

    by Susan Lovejoy - Posted on 02 December 2022

    Today i visited the a and e department as I had severe pain in my right foot. I was already waiting for an x ray of my foot which was requested by my doctor earlier in the week . During the week the pain had become more severe and was waking me at night. I could not stand for any length of time and only limp which was affecting my employment and daily routine. I had read that the problem I was experiencing should be addressed to avoid further damage and possible permanent deformity. I therefore thought it was reasonable to attend a and e at Eastbourne. I booked in an ipad and began waiting. The display informed patients that there was a seven hour wait to see a doctor. There were few seats with many patients standing waiting. After a short wait I was called into triage and told that as i was under my gp there was nothing that they would do for me and I was to wait until the x ray appointment came through. No matter how much I explained that the pain had worsened The nurse was adamant that I could not be seen and must ask my doctor for stronger pain killers. The nurse told me that there was an aging population in the country and due to this, care was limited. I am of the aging population who has paid my contributions for forty five years. I resented this excuse. My foot was not even examined due to the fact that I hadn't had an accident or trauma. Therefore the bone sticking out at the side of my foot and the bruise were never observed. I explained that I believed that it was a stress fracture from long standing foot issues however his was totally dismissed. When I do receive an x ray and follow up with the m s k department and discover that perhaps further unnecessary injury has occurred or possible deformity I will consider making a formal complaint.

    Visited Accident and emergency services on December 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Dear Susan, Thank you for leaving feedback about your concerns with the standard of care you received when you attended the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital in December 2022. We are sorry for the disappointing experience you describe. As you may be aware, ED's up and down the country are experiencing ever increasing numbers of patient attendances for a growing range of illnesses and injuries which means there can regrettably be a delay in the ability of staff to see patients as quickly as they would want to. We continue to work with the wider healthcare system across Sussex to ensure that those patients who need to be seen in the ED are seen as soon as possible, but appreciate this is of little consolation to you and apologise for this. We do hope that you have now been seen by the MSK Service and have been given a definitive diagnosis. However, if you would find it helpful to speak to a member of staff about your experience, do contact our Patient Experience Team, either by telephone on 0300 131 4784 or by email

    Report as unsuitable

  6. Review titled 12 hour wait

    Rated 3 stars out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 17 January 2023

    I brought my 89 year old father into the hospital with a letter from his GP stating that he needed urgent monitoring as the blood tests he had received the previous day were concerning. We arrived at 2.45pm and I was finally able to leave him at 3.15am. Once we saw the medical staff they were wonderful but the wait was interminable, he was uncomfortable with heart failure, kidney failure, excess fluid everywhere which had restricted his mobility. It is disappointing that a man of his age who worked until he was 83 should be made to wait for such a very long time in very difficult conditions. I appreciate that the service is under severe pressure and I am grateful for the support he has received since (he is still in the hospital) but that afternoon/evening/night was an unacceptably stressful and uncomfortable time.

    Visited Accident and emergency services on December 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to leave us feedback about your observations and experience of the Emergency Department (ED) at Eastbourne District General Hospital; we do appreciate it. The Trust works hard to provide a high standard of care to all patients and whilst we are sorry that your father incurred a long wait to be seen, we are pleased to read that the medical staff were wonderful. As you may be aware, ED's up and down the country are experiencing ever increasing numbers of patient attendances for a growing range of illnesses and injuries which means there can regrettably be a delay in the ability of staff to see patients as quickly as they would want to. We continue to work with the wider healthcare system across Sussex to ensure that those patients who do need to be seen in the ED are seen as soon as possible, but appreciate this is of little consolation to you or your father and apologise for this. Please accept our best wishes and I do hope you are both keeping safe and well.

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  7. Review titled Unhelpful

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Emma Vale - Posted on 03 December 2022

    I went to he hospital today for my one year old having a allergic reaction. I have had to come once before and found the staff friendly and helpful. On this occasion there were two people at reception who were more interested in talking to each other than helping anyone. When she did speak to the people waiting she asked everyone to use the tablets to book in. As a mum with her child swelling up I was panicking about the time it was taking to answer all the questions and was worried as I couldn't find the right description of what was happening to him , so didn't want to not been seen when we should have. The women behind the desk was not only rude, but completely lacked any understanding, also making sarcastic comments

    Visited Accident and emergency services on December 2022

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    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Dear Emma, Thank you for taking the time to provide details of your experience when you attended the Emergency Department (ED) at Eastbourne District General Hospital with your one year old son. We are sorry you found the reception staff unhelpful and lacking in compassion and will ensure your comments are feedback to the ED Reception Manager. We fully appreciate that at the time your priority will have been your son and ensuring his presenting symptoms were assessed in a timely manner. The electronic registration and triage system was introduced during May 2022 for two key reasons; the first was to provide those who access the ED with a greater level of privacy and dignity than our previous systems. The second key reason was to reduce the chance of patients who are significantly unwell having to wait long periods of time for a face to face assessment, as the electronic system alerts staff of potentially how unwell a patient is much earlier than before which allows our clinical teams to focus on those who need urgent face to face assessments and those whose needs may be better met through another service. We hope your son is much better now and has recovered from the symptoms he presented with.

    Report as unsuitable

  8. Review titled Bad Service

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Disappointed - Posted on 20 December 2022

    6 hour wait in A&e Matron & Doctor made an announcement about 4 hrs in stating 7 hr wait starting from now! I asked them to clarify whether that time included time already spent waiting……they replied no! 7 hrs from now! Finally got to see the doctor….who hadn’t even read the test results. So back to the waiting room for another hour! Doctor finally came back and told us that there was an infection and to go back to Gp and a referral to be made. Rang Gp next morning….no appointments. Surgery told me to ring A&e A&e say no notes made by doctor re referring back to Gp for antibiotics but we are welcome to come back and sit in A&e. No compassion, no accountability just a come back and start again attitude. 111……held for an hour with no answer because the service is so busy. Will now become a 999 call

    Visited Accident and emergency services on December 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 25 April 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to tell us your thoughts about your experience of the Emergency Department (ED) at Eastbourne District General Hospital. We are sorry that you had such a poor experience. The Trust works hard to provide a high standard of care to all patients however, you will appreciate that our ED's are seeing increasing numbers of patient attendances for a wider range of illnesses and injuries and coupled with the unpredictability of emergency and life-threatening cases arriving, it does mean the ability of staff to see patients as quickly as they would wish to is affected by these factors. Nevertheless, we do appreciate how frustrating it was for you to wait. Unfortunately, we are not able to comment on your General Practitioners (GP's) appointment service or the 111 service. We apologise that you were given conflicting advice in terms of obtaining antibiotics for your infection resulting in you having to return to the ED. We do hope that you were able to obtain the appropriate medication and that you have now recovered well from this.

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  9. Review titled Extremely bad practice.

    Rated 1 star out of 5

    by Anonymous - Posted on 11 November 2022

    Eastbournes Hospital during night hours is pretty useless for children in need of help. They have to wait many hours with their unknown problem or pain until someone will take a look. Not to mention that in the waiting time the situation can get worse. There is no specific children doctors. Small child has to wait on adults in line, where children should have priority. In my opinion the NHS do not have top class practice compared to other countries.

    Visited Children's & Adolescent Services on November 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 07 December 2022

    Thank you for taking the time to tell us your thoughts about the provision of services for children who attend hospital at night; we do appreciate your comments, and are sorry for any disappointing experience you may have had that appears to relate to our Emergency Department (ED) at Eastbourne District General Hospital. The Trust works hard to provide a high standard of care to all patients however, you will appreciate that our ED's are seeing increasing numbers of patient attendances for a wider range of illnesses and injuries and coupled with the unpredictability of emergency and life-threatening cases arriving, it does mean the ability of staff to see patient's as quickly as they would wish to is affected by these factors. All patient's arriving at our ED's complete the eTriage on an iPad at the entrance (or by speaking to a member of staff at the Reception Desk), and this determines patient flow based on severity of symptoms which is appropriate and reasonable for all patients waiting to be seen. Additionally, if staff in the ED require specialist interventions for children they can refer them to the Paediatric Teams or page the On Call Paediatric Doctors. We are sorry that you have had a disappointing experience of our ED, but hope that if you attended with a child as your feedback suggests that they are recovering from the symptoms they presented with. Take care and keep well and safe.

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  10. Review titled Fantastic Team

    Rated 5 stars out of 5

    by John Rogers - Posted on 29 October 2022

    Following the onset of new Atrial Fibrillation, my wife needed to attend A&E on two occasions recently. On both visits, All of the Team were amazing, not only performing clinical duties but demonstrating genuine care and kindness despite working under immense pressure. Couldn't have asked for more, Wonderful people!

    Visited Accident and emergency services on October 2022

    Report as unsuitable

    Review titled Eastbourne District General Hospital

    Replied on 31 October 2022

    Dear John, Thank you for taking the time to leave us such lovely feedback following your wife's recent attendances to the Emergency Department (ED) at Eastbourne District General Hospital; we really appreciate it, and very much hope your wife has returned to good health. The Trust strives to provide a high and timely standard of care for all patients, and so we are delighted to read that on both visits to the ED you were well-looked after by staff who excelled in their duty of care as this underpins the values of respect and compassion that you saw first hand. We will ensure your generous words are shared with the staff of the ED, and send you and your wife our very best wishes. Take care, keep well and stay safe.

    Report as unsuitable

Information supplied by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust